Village Directory
Wrington Parish Council welcome newcomers to the Parish
and hope you find this directory for Wrington and Redhill useful

It was compiled by Malcolm and Pat Parsons
who will be pleased to receive information
about any new contacts or corrections to be made.
Please contact them on 862125


1. Accountants
2. Banks
3. Builders/ Builders Merchants
4. Churches/ Church Organisations
5. Clubs/ Societies
6. Dentists
7. Doctors & Medical Services
9. Estate Agents
10. Funeral Directors
11. Garages
12. Halls 
13. Independent Financial Advisors
14. Library
15. Parish Council
16. Pubs/ Off Licence
17. Schools/ Play Groups
18. Services
19. Shops/ Retail Services
20. Solicitors
21. Transport
22. Veterinary
23. Village Journal
24. Wrington Website
25. Redhill Directory

1. ACCOUNTANTS - Christopher Brown & Co Cooks, Broad Street 863386
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2. BANK - National Westminster Bank Broad Street 0845 604 1604
Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 10.00 -3.00pm
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J.A. Dunstone Marchwood, School Road 863414/Mobile 0778 818 5393

Mills & Son High Street 863589 / 01275 870347

Travis Perkins, Builders Merchants Havyatt Road 862439

S.C.Wells, Property Maintenance 852227/Mobile 0773 981 2875
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All Saints' Church  (C of E)
The Rev Nicholas Maddock 862201, The Rectory, 3, Alburys
Assistant Priest The Rev Tom Ekin 862398
Churchwardens Mrs J.A. Parkes 862657; Mr J Ledbury
Church Secretary Mrs. G. Whiting Tues & Fri 9am-12 noon (usually) 862201

Junior Church & Creche   Sunday-All Saints' Church  9.30-10.30 am
                                         David Heggie 863657
Edward Bear Club 1st Fri. in the month 2pm Church (children’s corner)
Mrs. P. Wathen 862650

Mothers' Union Reading Room 3rd Wed. in month at 2.45pm
             Mrs E.A. Collins 862192
Evening Mothers Union Mrs B. Hodgetts - 862728
             Reading Room 4th Thurs. in month 7.30pm

Friends of Wrington Churchyard Mr A. Whiting 862039

Bell Ringers Teresa Dunstone 862952

United Reformed Church

Revd Mary Burgess 861179,
Wrington Chapel, Roper's Lane
Chapel Office 863615

Services (Sundays)
9.30am Family Worship
6.30pm Evening Worship (1st Sunday)

Church Secretary Mrs. Fiona Jewell 862051
Sunday School - Chapel School Room, Ropers Lane
                          Sunday 9.30am Mrs. Fiona Jewell 862051

Wrington Churches' Youth Group (11-17 yrs)       

Mr D. Jewell 862051
Chapel, Sundays 7pm - 8.30pm

Roman Catholic Church Father Phil 742564 Cheddar
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Avon Wildlife - Avon Wildlife Office              0117 917 7270

Badminton Club Mrs F. Woods 862177 Memorial Hall Mon. 8.00 - 10.00pm
Wed. Badminton Club Mr C. Mitchell 862998 Memorial Hall Wed.8.15-10.15pm.
Ladies Badminton Mrs C. Sykes 862517 Memorial Hall Thurs. 2.00-4.00pm

Wrington Billiards Club Mr B. Taylor 862080 John Locke Hall

Royal British Legion Mr J.A. Vaughan 861055

Wrington Vale Choral Society Fiona Matley 862578
Rehearse at St Mary's, Langford, Mon. 7.45pm - 9.30pm (Sept-May)

Wrington Vale Croquet Club Richard Dent 861070; Peter Owen 863180

Cricket Club Mr.T. Ledbury 863064
                       Recreation Ground

Cyber Reading Room Mr. R.Thorn 862646 <thorn@wrington.info>

Drama Club Mr. S. Osman 862726

Wrington Youth Drama   Julie Kingcott   862743/863222

Wrington & Redhill Football Club Mr S. Bull 834197  Recreation Ground

Friendship Club Mrs M. Owers 862925

Gardening Club Mrs. F.Hopkins 863857  
                             Memorial Hall 3rd Thurs. in month 7.30pm

  Keep Fit (refer to village journal) Memorial Hall

Ladies Skittles (Winter) Mrs P. Hume 862068
Pavilion, Recreation Ground  Thurs. 7.30pm

Lifeboat Institution Mr D. Sleigh 862512

Men's Skittles (Winter) Wanderers:- Mr M. Lawson 862182;
                                       Wrington:- Mr J. Gallop 862621
Mens Skittles (Summer) Mr S. Lewis 862559; Mark Matthews 834220
                        Pavilion, Recreation Ground Alt. Mon. evenings 8.30pm

Minibus Society Mr Alan Carpenter 863262

Painting for Pleasure:
Mrs G. Templar 862865    Scout Hall, School Road  Mon. am (Sept-March)
Mrs S. Gill         863260    Scout Hall, School Road  Wed. 10am-3pm (Sept-March)

Pilates Mrs L. Dollery 01278 795772
URC  Monday 7.30pm - 8.30pm, 8.30pm-9.30pm; Thursday 10am-11am

Probus Club of Wrington Vale Mr D. Ivory 877038 Mendip Springs Golf Club
                                                                     3rd Tues. each month at 11.00am.

Wrington Vale Rotary Club Mr P.Kellaway 863152

Yatton & District Rotary Club
Stan Kumpel 833616      Cadbury Country Club  Mondays 7.15pm

Scouts/Guides/Cubs/Brownies/Rainbows/Beavers Scout Hall, School Road
           Mr D. Tomlinson (Group Chairman) 862460

Tennis Club
Guy Winterbourne - Membership, coaching, public hire
                      (m) 0797 090 1273

Thursday Lunch Group Mrs P. Wathen 862650

Wrington Bowling Club Mr D. Davey 862519

Wrington Sports & Social Club Mr K. Stott - Secretary 862528
                                               Mr J. Gallop - Bookings 862621; Recreation Ground

Wrington Village Association Georgie Bigg 863070

Welcome Group Reading Room, Triangle; Thurs. 10.30-12
                              Mrs P. Jefferies 862358

Wrington Lunch Club Scout Hall Tues. at 12.30pm Mrs J. Smythe 862367

Women's Institute Memorial Hall 2nd Thurs. in month.7.30pm
                                  Mrs J.Alcock 863509

Yoga Carley Oates  01275 852456
Memorial Hall Wednesday 1pm - 2.30pm
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Wrington Dental Centre 863363 Unit 2&3, Westward Court, Westward Close
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Drs. Hooper & Portas The Surgery, Station Road.
                                  Appointments/general 862532

Emergencies (surgery hours)                       862041
Emergencies (out of surgery hours) 07000 862041

Baby Clinic Nurses' House, Stockmead, Langford
                    Tuesday 10.00 –12.00 noon 852927

Chemist Mr R. Gee, Silver Street 862369

Chiropodist Mrs. H. Reed 07970 920628   Thurs. 9am-5pm. fortnightly

Optometrist Marian Donovan, Broad Street 862933 Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Wrington Vale Medical Practice Charitable Trust
Objects - relief of sickness; preservation of health Mrs J. Dixon 862248
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Police, Fire, Ambulance EMERGENCY 999
Police general (24hrs) 0845 456 7000

Doctor out of hours 0845 121 0235

Electricity EDF Energy 0800 365900

Bristol Royal Infirmary 0117 923 0000
Weston General Hospital 636363

Gas Transco Gas Escape Calls 0800 111999

Water Bristol Water Supplies 0845 702 3797
            Sewerage:   Wessex Water 0845 600 4600
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Humberts School Road 862370

Setter & Lee Station Road 863371
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K.C. Britton & Sons 10, High Street, Yatton 832115

A.E. Davey & Sons 82, Silver Street, Nailsea 01275 852307
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Richards Garage Broad Street 862278

Wrington Motors School Road 862297
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Memorial Hall Silver Street Ms E. Wrest 862898

Reading Room The Triangle Miss V. Perry 862292

Scout Hall School Road Mr P. Endicott 862524

Wrington Sports & Social Club Mr J.Gallop 862621
                                   Pavilion, Recreation Ground
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Hawker & Palmer Westward Court, Westward Close; 861222
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Congresbury Library open: Mon.pm..,Wed.am., Fri.am.&pm. & Sat. am. 877127

Mobile Library Contact through Clevedon library 01275 873498

Yatton Library open: Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri. am & pm. & Sat.am 426100
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Clerk to the Council Mrs G. Wilson 863984; e-mail: clerk_wrington@hotmail.com
Parish Council Office John Locke Room Wednesday & Friday 10am - 12 noon
(See Parish Notice Board for details of council meetings)

District Councillor Mrs D. Yamanaka 862109
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The Golden Lion Broad Street 862205
The Plough Inn High Street 862686
Buglers Off Licence High Street 862351
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Churchill Community School 852771
Wrington Primary 862553
Wrington P.T.A. 862553
Pre School Group Isabel Mills 862613 Memorial Hall, Mon-Fri 9.15-12 noon
Little Stars  Julie Hughes  863842  Memorial Hall Tues.1.45-3.15pm
Wrington after-school Club Lindsey Cutts 0778 401 0750
                                                 Sandy Luck 0778 645 5609
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Electricity SWEB (Enquiries) 0800 365000

Gas British Gas (Enquiries) 0845 600 0560

Helpline Mrs P. Perks 862480

Sewerage Wessex Water 0845 600 4600

Water Bristol Water 0845 702 3797

Tree Warden Nick Baker 862997

Wildlife Warden Mr B. Millard 862140
                              Mr D. Glynn  862344
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Amor Stores (Grocers) Broad Street 862211
Buglers - Off Licence High Street 862351
Calligraphy - Hand written signs & invitations Teresa Dunstone 862952
Wrington Vale Country Market Scout Hall Fri.10.30-11.30am
                                                        Mrs. R.Young   862360
Monumental Masons David Brown Day: 0780 246 8529; Evening: 862756
New Image Unisex Hairdressers Broad Street 863022
Richards Gifts, Hardware,Toys etc. Broad Street 862278
Smith Lloyd & Co (Bristol)Ltd Motor Body Repairs 862970
Wrington Newsagents Station Road 862051
Wrington Post Office Broad Street 862289
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Bennetts High Street 862786
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Airport Bristol International 0871 334 4444

Rail    National Rail Enquiries 0845 748 4950

Traveline routes/times information for bus/coach/rail/ferry 0871 200 2233

Wrington Minibus Miss A. Robbie 862953
                            Mr M. Smythe (Private bookings) 862367

Cheddar District Taxis - 744744.
On-line booking <www.cheddardistricttaxis.fsnet.co.uk>
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Golden Valley Vet. Hospital, Glebe House, Station Road 862497
Wrington Surgery 01275 852552
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Editor Mr S. Taylor, 16, Kings Road, Wrington; 862959
Distribution Mrs C. Sykes 862517
Advertising Mrs J. Gallop 862621
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24. WRINGTON WEBSITE RichardThorn thorn@wrington.info 862646
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Alvis Bros Ltd. Cheese Dairy & Farm Shop 864614

Bristol Flydressers Guild Redhill Village Hall Every other Wed. 8.00pm.

Bingo Redhill Village Hall Sat. Fortnightly 8.00pm Mr A. Bullock 862926

Christ Church (C of E) The Rev Tom Ekin 862398 The Parsonage, Redcroft
                               Chapelwardens Mrs N. Broad 862160   Mr. G.Fiddler 863023

National Vintage Tractor & Engine Club
1st Tues. Monthly 8pm Redhill Village Hall

Pilates Lisa Dollery 01278 795772  Redhill Village Hall Thurs. 8.30pm - 9.30pm

Redhill Village Hall/Club
Supervisor: Holly Salmon 862619
Bookings Secretary: Mrs E.Wrest 862898

Redhill Womens Institute Redhill Village Hall 2nd Tues. Monthly 7.30pm
Mrs Jackie Dunn 863045; Redhill Village Hall, 2nd Tuesday monthly, 7.30pm

Skittles - Winter Redhill Village Club Monday Nights
                Captain: Mr A. Bullock 862926
Weston & District Mens League 8.00pm
Wednesday Nights Redhill Club Captain: John Clements 820681
Wrington Vale League 8pm Rangers Captain: Mr R. Richards 852201
Thursday Nights Club Red Angels Captain: Mrs I Bullock 862926
South Avon Ladies Skittles League 7.30pm
Redmaids Captain: Mrs M.Tremlin 863053

                - Summer
Monday Nights Redhill Club Captain: Hushi Rahimi 01275 474033
Yatton District Summer Skittles League 8.30pm

Tuesday Nights 8.30pm. Red Angles Captain: Mrs I. Bullock 862926

Wrington & District Young Farmers Club Bryony Neave 0751 571 4189
                                                      Langford Inn, weekly meetings Mon. 8pm
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