World Day -
Saturday, 21st June 2003
A regular visitor to the Wrington website is Bill Crook, formerly of
Lawrence Road, Wrington, who now lives in New Zealand, as do two other
members of his family.

Bill recently e-mailed the website to suggest holding a Wrington World Day. On this day people would send emails telling what they and their families were doing on that day. It could include snippets of information of life in their community and country. Whether it was +25C or -25C &c

It would require input from some locals as well as ex-pats.
This idea, of course, would extend not just to the village but to the areas covered by the Journal and website.

Getting on for 150 people, who've corresponded with the website from all over the world, were e-mailed and asked "would you be willing to take part in this? If you were on holiday, for example, it wouldn't matter if there was a delay before you sent your e-mail contribution - just keeping a note on the day to remind you later would be fine. Obviously, any photos would be wonderful!

Could you also let any
friends or family with Wrington connections know about this idea so they can take part ?"

The idea met with such an enthusiastic response that the date's now been chosen -
                                        Saturday, 21st June.
It's the summer solstice so has significance right round the globe. It's also just before the annual village fete is held in July, so we can mount a display at that event showing where all the responses have come in from.

If you'd like more information, or have any additional ideas, please e-mail: