Wrington Village Website


This website is hosted by the ISP Freeola who have now issued SSL certificates for it.
This service is now fully set-up and the secure service is online.

An SSL certificate means information about you while you use this website is encrypted. This prevents you - and the website - being targeted by hackers. Without this encryption, malicious users will find it much easier to attack a website or 'spy' on visitors activity. This reassurance takes the form of a small green padlock in your browser bar (or other similar icon depending on the browser you use). It signifies the webpage is secure. You may well have seen this on other websites, such as banks, for example.

As a result, the Wrington website address is now given as <https://wringtonsomerset.org.uk> rather than <http://www.wringtonsomerset.org.uk>.
This old version will still work, but the page you visit won't have this additional level of security.

So, if you have this website in your Favorites or Bookmarked, or any other page you regularly visit, you should change the link now, by adding 's' to http, and removing 'www.' thus: <https://wringtonsomerset.org.uk>

Any new pages created from now on will have this SSL feature, so you will automatically go to a secure page.
A start has already be made to do the same for other regularly visited pages such as

<https://wringtonsomerset.org.uk/topical/news.html> and <https://wrington.net/allsaints/pewsheet>

Just to confirm, this change won't prevent you accessing all the website as previously. It just means you - and the website itself - will have this added level of security. If you have any queries, please email <web@wrington.net>