Broad Street Wrington Website
British Red Cross
Wrington Branch

Current Journal entry Introduction  

Current Journal entry

During the last 14 or so years of her life, Clare made Christmas, Birthday, Get Well and sympathy
cards from used cards people gave her, fixing them onto a blank and then selling them on behalf of the Red Cross. During that time she made £3,312.88 plus; with the help of others, she raised a further £3,749.84 from coffee mornings and the opening of Wrington Cottage.

£558.60 was also donated by people in her memory - a grand total of £7,621.32.

She has left me with a legacy of many cards which I would dearly love to sell in her memory for the Red Cross.

So...Easter is round the corner and Birthday, Get Well and Sympathy cards are always needed at any time of the year, and therefore I am having a "Grand Clearance Sale" and offering to sell the cards at 20p. each (for a minimum of 10 bought, otherwise 30p. each) - and don't forget this covers the cost of an envelope as well.

To get this bargain, all you have to do is come to my house - 2, Cambridge Court - the entrance to
which is almost directly opposite Trug, and I am the last house on the right. I am not often out. Alternatively, you can ring me on 862517 to arrange a time convenient to you.
Clive Sykes

Red Cross - introduction

The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. We are part of a global voluntary network, responding to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies.

We enable vulnerable people in the UK and abroad to prepare for and withstand emergencies in their own communities. And when the crisis is over, we help them to recover and move on with their lives.

                                              Red Cross website:


We are extremely pro active in terms of recycling. Here at the Red Cross we recycle coins, stamps, ink cartridges and mobile phones. For each phone we recycle the charity gets £3, which is fantastic. If you would like some phone recycling envelopes please do make contact.

                                                                   Open Gardens:

Each year the Red Cross host a fantastic open gardens programme. We are always on the look out for potential homeowners that would be willing to open their garden to raise funds for the Red Cross, particularly in this area. We take care of everything including advertising, signage, refreshments on the day and even car parking if necessary. This is a fantastic opportunity for the Red Cross to raise valuable funds but for our supporters to enjoy a great afternoon at the same time. If you are interested please see contact details below.

                                                  Contact details for fundraising:

Amber Andrews - Acting Senior Fundraiser 0117 301 2637; e-mail
Melanie Ball – Area Fundraising Manager – 0117 301 2636; e-Mail