Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 21st February, 2012
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs L. Howells,
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr P. Robinson.
Mr B. Taylor
Ms J Bishop Admin Asst

In attendance:

1 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Bigg, Cllr Rawlins, Cllr Turton & Cllr Yamanaka

2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.

3 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

4 Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2012 were reviewed and adopted as a true record. There were no matters arising.

5 NSC Central Area Planning Committee

The minutes of the meeting held 12 January 2012 were reviewed together with the agenda for the meeting held 9 February 2012. There were no issues of direct relevance to Wrington. It was noted that appropriate Officer attendance had been requested at all future Parish Voice sessions, reflecting the absence of a responsible Officer when the Council last raised an issue through Parish Voice. It was agreed to write in support of this need.

6 Decision Notices issued by NSC

A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the Meeting and these were noted. In summary:-

· 11/P/2116/F – The Old Library, High Street, Wrington - Approved

· 11/P/2317/F – Yeomans, Ropers Lane, Wrington – Approved

· 11/P/2336/LDE – The Golden Lion, Broad Street, Wrington - Approved

It was noted that condition 4 on the Decision Notice for 11/P/2317/F, Yeomans, refers to tree pruning works when the tree concerned is in the ownership of and located on an adjacent property. In the circumstances it might have been expected that a separate tree works application would have been submitted. It was agreed to request a copy of the email referred to under condition 4 together with an explanation as to why this Conservation Area tree works had been permitted without a formal application.

7 Planning Applications

A list of planning applications had been circulated prior to the Meeting.

Application 12/P/0189/F – Unit 1, Richards Store, Broad Street, Wrington,

Change of use of ground floor retail unit to retirement dwelling.

It was agreed that the Council would subject an Objection to the proposed change of use, with a range of concerns and issues raised by Members, especially the further loss of retail facilities in Wrington and the associated impacts on the future sustainability of the village. The following issues were highlighted:

- the information provided as evidence of marketing the property for other retail or commercial purposes was felt to be insufficient; a more comprehensive report would have been expected to fully demonstrate that the premises cannot support alternative retail or commercial uses at a realistic rent.

- it was suggested that NSC Officers should be requested to advise what might be considered to be a reasonable commercial rent for the premises.

- it was noted that units 1 and 2 were understood to be in the same ownership and that a declaration of interest might have been expected in relation to the Marketing Appraisal.

- the scale and layout doesn’t appear suitable for use a dwelling, especially for retirement use, as the front door is to be sealed, leaving only the rear access and raising concerns about a safe escape route in the event of fire.

- there is no provision for the storage of waste, no internal storage space, no open or amenity space for the residents and no car parking space provided, with the Parking Survey submitted with the application appearing unrealistic in relation to car parking in Broad Street.

- resurfacing and reinstatement of the footway to the front of the building should be completed as agreed with NSC or further conditioned if the application is to be approved.

Application 12/P/0218/F – 12 Ashford Road, Redhill

Variation of condition 3 attached to planning permission 11/P/1276/F.

It was agreed that the Council had no comment to make on this application.

Application 12/P/0238/WT – 1 Haydens, High Street, Wrington

Conservation Area tree works application.

It was agreed that the Council had no comment to make on this application as the trees concerned have limited public amenity value, although the trees are visible from the school field. It was noted that the tree species had not been identified in two cases.

8 Other Planning Issues

NSC Core Strategy: post-submission consultation - Proposed main modifications. Closing date for comments 7 March 2012

Cllr Glynn reported that there was nothing of significant direct relevance to Wrington in the proposed main modifications but that a comment should be submitted in relation to the transport schemes to be shown on the Key Diagram, ref proposed additional modification AM73. It was agreed that Cllr Glynn would draft an appropriate comment for submission to NSC on this and any other relevant points.

The Meeting was closed at 6.40pm.

Mr D. Glynn