1 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Rawlins, Taylor and Hollingdale
2 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Howells declared a personal interest in relation to application 11/P/2336/LDE (Golden Lion, Broad Street, Wrington, BS40 5LA) as she is a close friend of the applicant.
3 Public Participation
There were no members of the public present.
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2011 were reviewed and item 4 (Minutes of the previous meeting, Matters arising) was amended to read “Following a discussion on the comment submitted to NSC on planning application 11/P/2117/RG3 (Wrington C of E Primary School, School Road, Wrington, BS40 5NA) it was agreed to confirm whether the toilet facilities would be for staff or child use.” The Minutes were then adopted as a true record.
Matters arising:
In relation to application 11/P/2117/RG3 (Wrington C of E Primary School, School Road, Wrington, BS40 5NA) it was confirmed that one toilet was to be for pupil use and one for staff use.
5 NSC Central Area Planning Committee
It was noted that the next meeting of the Committee was to be on Thursday 12 January 2012 but there were no issues relating to Wrington.
6 Decision Notices issued by NSC
A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the Meeting and these were noted. In summary:-
· 11/P/1944/F - 11 The Cottages, Station Road, Wrington, BS40 5LH - Approved
· 11/P/2127/NMA - Bristol Airport, North Side Road, A38 Bristol Road, Wrington, BS40 3DY – Approved
· 11/P/1971/F - Unit 2, Richards Stores, Broad Street, Wrington, BS40 5LA - Refused
In relation to11/P/1971/F (Unit 2, Richards Stores, Broad Street, Wrington, BS40 5LA) it was agreed to write to NSC highlighting item 6 (Viability) in the comment previously submitted in relation to item 1 in the Decision Notice.
7 Planning Applications
A list of planning applications had been circulated prior to the Meeting.
Application - 11/P/2317/F - Yeomans, Ropers Lane, Wrington, BS40 5NH
It was agreed the Council had no comment on the proposed development but like to highlight the value of the illustrations, A4 drawings & photographs submitted, particularly for viewing on screen. It was further agreed to send a copy of the comment to Jason Beale, NSC Performance and Customer Service Manager.
Application - 11/P/2336/LDE - Golden Lion, Broad Street, Wrington, BS40 5LA
After discussion it was agreed that the Council were aware that the first floor accommodation had been used in the past as B&B accommodation. Therefore, it was agreed, Council had no objection to the accommodation being used in this manner, assuming the building applies with fire and all other relevant regulations.
8 Other Planning Issues
· NSC Planning Workshop held 14.12.11, ref presentation slides circulated 15.12.11.
Members’ attention was drawn to the presentation slides and the useful information provided in the Workshop, with it suggested that hard copies could be made available if necessary.
Cllr Bigg provided copies of the new CPRE/NALC booklet “Planning explained” and reported that dates for the associated workshops would be circulated by email shortly.
The Meeting was closed at 6.35pm.