Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 26th July, 2011
1 Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mrs L. Howells
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr J. Rawlins
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Ms J Bishop Admin Asst

In attendance:

2 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Ledbury declared a personal interest in relation to application 11/P/1235/F (Honnalee, Broad St, Wrington) as she is a friend of the resident of the property.

3 Public Participation

Peter Maitland and John Gowar were present as they had an interest as residents in Application 11/P/1141/F (Medcentres plc; ref Medical Centre, Pudding Pie Lane, Langford). Peter Maitland said he had studied the application and thought it was flawed and that there were good planning reasons why it should not succeed. The Chairman invited them to stay and hear the Council’s discussion on this subject and brought the item forward in the Agenda.

4 Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2011 were reviewed and adopted as a true record.

Matters arising:

· NSC Development Management (Planning) Workshop
Copies of the presentation had been received from Richard Kent, NSC, and had been circulated.

· Potential Tree Works – Tincknell’s Row and by Wrington notice board
These have been reported to the Tree Officer, NSC, who has not yet responded.

· Rickyard Road Development – Management Plan
See item 8 (Other Planning Issues).

5 NSC Central Area Planning Committee

It was noted that the next Meeting is scheduled for 11 August 2011 and, therefore, no papers have yet been received.

6 Decision Notices issued by NSC

A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the Meeting and these were noted. In summary:-

· 11/P/0789/F - Piercehay, Bullhouse Lane, Wrington – Approved.
· 11/P/0833/F - Cornfield Cottage, Ashey Lane, Langford, Wrington – Approved.
· 11/P/0954/WT – The Old Rectory, Broad St, Wrington – Approved.

7 Planning Applications

A list of planning applications had been circulated prior to the Meeting.

Application - 11/P/1141/F – WVMP surgery in Pudding Pie Lane (Churchill Parish)
This item was brought forward from item 8 (Other Planning Issues) due to public participation. It was agreed to submit a comment critical of the details submitted by the applicant and raising the following concerns:-

· The proposed development is outside settlement boundary which means it could act as nucleus for further future development.

· Green field site with change of use proposed for the land.

· Permission already refused for residential development in Pudding Pie Lane due to access issues.

· Traffic issues - Figures quoted are believed to be unrealistic. Close proximity to school. School parking and the fact that university students park in area. Also 82 parking spaces are planned which seems excessive and would seem inconsistent with the idea of no significant increase in traffic movement.

· Doubt re figures in application - walking times quoted ignore footpaths.

· Point about numbers of residents near site - application is not "comparing like with like" as they haven't added the figures for both sites together (so are comparing only one surgery with new surgery).

· Bus availability - application ignores the fact that the 121 is under consultation.

· Size and scale of building - very big with no consideration for the site - visible from wider views, including AONB .

· Refer back to Core Strategy point about Service Village as village loses important amenity.

· Comment on contribution to community as developer would normally be expected to provide funding to offset impacts

Application - 11/P/1151/F - 3 Bakers Buildings, Station Road, Wrington, BS40 5LQ
After discussion, it was agreed the Council still has concerns about the development and would object, reiterating the comment sent to NSC on Application 11/P/0752/F.

Application - 11/P/1206/F - 1 Wiltons, Wrington, BS40 5LS
It was agreed the Council has no comment to make on this application.

Application - 11/P/1235/F - Honnalee, Broad St, Wrington, BS40 5LA
It was agreed the Council has no comment to make on this application.

Application - 11/P/1257/TPO - Oakwood End, 16 Alburys, Wrington, BS40 5NZ
It was agreed the Council has no comment to make on this application.

Application - 11/P/1276/F - 12 Ashford Road, Redhill, BS40 5TJ
It was agreed the Council has no comment to make on this application.

Application - 11/P/1286/F - 13 Ashford Road, Redhill, BS40 5TH
It was noted that a previous application to convert this building had been refused. After discussion, it was agreed the Council would like to object to the proposal because of its location in Green Belt and the impact on neighbours of increased traffic. Also, the proposed development is on an unadopted road which is in poor condition which will probably be made worse by increase traffic.

The Council has reservations about the viability of holiday accommodation in this area as other holiday-let developments have recently been the subject of applications for a change of use to offices, with the owners justifying the applications on the basis of a lack of viability for local holiday accommodation development.

Finally, it was also agreed to suggest a bat survey be carried out if the development is approved.

8 Other Planning Issues

· Rickyard Road Development – outstanding issues
It was reported the grass on open areas had now been cut. However, a resident had reported that the contractor was dumping the cuttings both on other ground and in the drainage ditch. It was noted that there was no clear management plan and that the responsibility for management of the development had now passed from the developer to English Rural Housing. It was further reported that Cllr Glynn would raise the issue of management plans for both new and older developments in the Parish with Development Control.

· Old Bell Court – outstanding issues
It was reported that Cllr Glynn had met with Phil Braddick, Summerfield Developments, to review outstanding issues:-

A A street name sign has not yet been installed on the old Richards Store. Summerfield will discuss this with the building owner.

B Summerfield have been released from the condition relating to the footway outside the old Richards Store. However, it was agreed to write to the owner of the old Richards Store, suggesting it would enhance the appearance of the building if the area inside the proposed new footway and alongside the wall could be refurbished.

C Street Lights – It appears the management company might own and insure the lights (this has yet to be confirmed in writing) but there are issues of ongoing maintenance and the appropriateness of the colour. Further information is required from Urbis, the lighting manufacturer, before the Council would be able to confirm its position.

· North Somerset Core Strategy – submission to Secretary of State and publication of proposed changes.

Details of the changes and consultation have been received and a response is due by 14 September 2011.

The Meeting was closed at 7.45pm

Mr D. Glynn