2 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Ledbury declared a personal interest in relation to Application 10/P/2018/ADV (Udley Farm, West Hay Road, Wrington). A family member works at the property concerned.
3 Public Participation
There were no members of the public present.
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2010 were reviewed and adopted as a true record.
Matters arising:
NSC Core Strategy Consultation – Receipt of the Council’s submission had been acknowledged by NSC and the Committee thanked Cllr Glynn for his work on this.
NSC Development Management Consultation on Information Requirements for Planning Applications (local list) and Planning Policy Consultation on a Draft Development Contributions, Supplementary Planning Document – It was reported that no comments had been offered by Members and no response had been submitted.
5 NSC South Area Planning Committee
The papers for the meeting held on 15 December were reviewed. It was noted that the only item relating to Wrington was an Appeal concerning 10/P/1080/F (part retrospective application for replacement agricultural barn, Willis’s Batch, Brockley Combe Road, Wrington). It is expected that NSC will notify the Council of this appeal in due course.
6 Decision Notices issued by NSC
A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the Meeting.
With regard to 10/P/1770/F, land to the north of Scars Farm, Redhill, it was noted that the approval included detailed conditions relating to hedging, badgers and reptile surveys. There was also a requirement to install kissing gates if fences are erected where the proposed access track crosses the public footpath.
7 Planning Applications
A list of planning applications had been circulated prior to the Meeting.
Application 10/P/2082/NMA - Land adjoining 10 Station Close, Wrington, BS40 5LY
It was agreed that the Council had no comment on this application.
Application 10/P/2018/ADV - Udley Farm, West Hay Road, Wrington (Advertising Signage Consent)
It was agreed that the Council wished to object to this application for the following reasons: The Council feels that the signage is excessively large and inappropriate for the location and has concerns over the installation of an illuminated sign in open countryside. There are no illuminated signs currently in the area and approval could result in the setting of precedent. Furthermore, signs have already been installed at the entrance which the Council believes are adequate to advertise the business.
Application 10/P/2055/F - Udley Farm, West Hay Road, Wrington, BS40 5NP
After discussion, it was agreed that following approval for the adjacent office conversion the Council had no grounds for objection to the proposed development but would restate comments submitted on the previous application that residential development was preferable because this would have less impact on the volume of traffic in the area. If approved, the Council would like to request that the resulting development should be initially marketed at local businesses for the same reason. It was noted that no transport study had been undertaken.
Application 10/P/2073/LB - 3 The Haydens, High Street, Wrington, BS40 5QD
It was agreed that the Council had no objection to the development but would comment that there was a possible impact on neighbours as the proposed conversion appears to be directly above the adjacent property. It was noted no sectioned drawings had been included with the plans to illustrate room heights.
8 Other Planning Issues
The Committee discussed correspondence from J R Power Ltd concerning a request for an EIA screening opinion relating to a possible Solar Park at Garleys Wood, off Hyatts Wood Road,. It was noted that the proposal was not actually within the Parish boundary.
Action: Clerk to contact Backwell Parish Council to establish whether they were aware of the proposal. Also, to contact the developer and suggest that they might meet with the Council and separately with local residents.
The Meeting was closed at 7.15pm.