Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 10th October, 2010
1 Apologies:
Mrs J. Gallop, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Mr D. W. Glynn

In attendance:

2. Declarations of Interest:

There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st December were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

5. NSC South Area Planning Committee

Items relating to Wrington reported at the meeting held on 9th December were noted; also the approval of extensions to Winford School to accommodate children from St Katharine’s School at Felton following its closure.

6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

These had been circulated prior to the meeting. The following points were noted:

09/P/1734/ADV Holiday Inn, Bridgwater Road, Wrington - display of 2no internally illuminated wall mounted signs with additional building lighting, 1no internally illuminated wall mounted sign, 1no internally illuminated freestanding sign, 1no non-illuminated freestanding sign and 1 internally illuminated wall mounted sign over front entrance: approved. Cllr Yamanaka commented that there had been no limits on the illumination for the previous signs, and there could therefore be none on the replacement signs.

09/P/1763/F - The Garage House - Replacement of 2no ground floor windows and entrance door on west elevation: approved. It was noted that the conditions specified that the windows were to be painted white, as recommended by Wrington Parish Council.

09/P/1902/TPO - 35 Garstons Close, Wrington: Ash – reduce and reshape by 25%
- approved.

09/P/1876/WT - Mulberry Cottage, Church Walk, Wrington: Alder – reduce and reshape by 25% - approved

7. Planning Applications

09/P/2108/F – Butcombe Brewery Ltd, Havyatt Road, Wrington: erection of new barrel store. There was no objection in principle to the proposed development. However, it was agreed to submit comments as follows: the ‘overgrown’ adjacent to the parking area should be trimmed or reduced rather than removed as it acts as a screen from the road; to ask what provision has been made in the case of any flooding or drainage issues that may arise in a ‘worst case’ scenario, and to support the proposal to consult John Inman, NSC’s Principal Drainage Engineer for advice. It was also noted that the proposed store is to be built on an area which is already covered in tarmac; it was agreed to comment that this should not result in a further area being turned into hard standing.

Cllr Gallop read out brief details of three forthcoming applications which have been registered with NSC. It is anticipated that plans will be received in time to consider these at the next meeting on 12th January.

It was noted that details of a planning application in relation to St Katharine’s Farm had been sent to Backwell Parish Council in error. The Clerk has requested that the plans be sent to Wrington Parish Council for consideration.

BIA extension: it was noted that a number of amendments to the major planning application currently under consideration had been submitted to NSC, although details of these have not yet been received. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact NSC to request information and to draw attention to the timescale that would be required to consider the amendments.

8. Other Planning Issues

a. Land at Old Station Close – removal of trees. Cllr Gallop reported that a row of trees on the south side of the site had been removed, although the conditions of planning permission included retention of some of the larger trees. Cllr Yamanaka has taken this up with the Enforcement team at NSC. She reported that the Tree Officer is now investigating, as the site is located in the Conservation Area.

b. Rickyard Road – Section 106 agreement

The Clerk reported that she had received confirmation from the officer at NSC that £13,000 would be available for play equipment at one or both of the play areas in Wrington, and that £30,000 would be devoted to drainage improvement work. She has requested details of the process to be followed in obtaining the funds for play equipment.

c. BIA Noise Action Plan

Cllr Turton reported that she had been working with Cllr Glynn to produce a more detailed response to the Plan, and copies of this were circulated to members. It was agreed that the comments were very appropriate, and that Cllr Turton and Cllr Glynn should be congratulated an excellent piece of work. It was agreed to submit the comments to BIA without amendment.

d. National Grid – Hinkley Point C Connection Project

Cllr Gallop reported that a letter and proposals had just been received from National Grid setting out the options for this project. Cllr Bigg stated that if route 1(a) is used the Iwood Substation would be further developed, which would result in taller pylons being installed in the area because of the change in power level. She believed that much more thought should be given to putting the cable underground or under the sea. It was agreed that the Council should respond to the proposals accordingly. Cllr Bigg offered to provide some information to the Clerk that could be used in the response.

d. NSC Core Strategy

The Clerk reported that she had requested a further two copies of the draft consultation document, and had also asked that one of the ‘meet your planner’ events should be arranged in one of the parishes adjacent to the A38. Confirmation had now been received that an event will be held in Churchill Memorial Hall on Tuesday 12th January from 4.00 pm – 8.00 pm. It was noted that the consultation period runs until 19th February. The document will be considered in detail in the New Year.

The meeting was closed at 6.52 pm.

Mrs. J. Gallop