Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 7th July, 2009
1 Apologies:
Mrs J. Gallop, Chair
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr P. Ellis
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr R. L. Thorn
Mrs C. Turton

In attendance: Mr R Sinclair, Mr M Littleton, Mr A Davies (BIA) (part)
                            Nine members of the public (part)

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.00 pm.

2. Declarations of Interest: Mr M Berkley in relation to the planning application for ‘Keepers’, Ropers Lane, Wrington.

3. Public Participation

a. Bristol International Airport

The Chairman welcomed the management team from Bristol International Airport. Mr Davies gave a presentation on all aspects of the current planning application, and hard copies of the slides were provided for members. Questions from members were dealt with during the presentation.

The Chairman thanked Messrs Sinclair, Davies and Littleton for attending and for providing additional information which will help the Parish Council in considering the application. They left the meeting at about 7.00 pm.

b. Richards Store

The Chairman ascertained that the members of the public in attendance were concerned with the proposed development of the former Richards Store, and asked if anyone wished to make any comments before the Council considered the application.

Mr Geoffrey Robinson read out a letter he had sent to NSC outlining his objections, which principally concerned the lack of parking provision, and the likely noise and disturbance to Broad Street residents resulting from the proposed take-away outlet.

Mr Tim Gillions also expressed concern at the loss of another shop in the village, and said he felt that the ground floor of the property should initially be marketed for shop use. He felt also that the plans provided seemed very vague, especially considering the Conservation Area location.

Mrs Joanne Gillions pointed out that work was already taking place at the property, and she felt there should be more information about the type of take-away that is being proposed.

4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 16th June were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

5. NSC South Area Planning Committee

It was noted that the appeal in relation to Cinderford Cottage, Ropers Lane, Wrington, had been dismissed.

6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

The following decision notice had been received on the day of the meeting:

09/P/0849/F – 5 Ashford Road, Redhill: erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension – approved.

7. Planning Applications

09/P/0974/F – Richards Store, Broad Street, Wrington: Conversion of existing house and stores into 2no. three bed self-contained flats, 1no. two bed self-contained flat; 1no. A5 (hot food takeaway) use unit and 1no. A2 (Financial and Professional Services) use unit.

Cllr Gallop read out a letter sent to the applicant by the planning officer at NSC. This concerned the significant omissions from the planning application, in particular the lack of any mention of the Conservation Area location, and an explanation of how the proposed flats would comply with policy H/7.

It was pointed out, in relation to the proposal for a take-away outlet, that the permission granted recently for a restaurant in High Street had included a condition that this should not be used as a take-away.

It was agreed to object to all aspects of the proposal. Firstly, to the proposed change of use for the ground floor, as this would reduce the number of shops which currently add to the services and quality of the village, and it should be marketed as premises for a shop. Secondly, to the proposed flats, which do not comply with H/7, and only have provision for two parking spaces. It was also agreed to point out that the building is in a prominent location in the centre of the village and in the Conservation Area.

09/P/1000/F – Land adjacent to Lockemore Cottage, Blackmore, Langford: erection of new live/work dwelling and garage to serve existing house. As the proposed dwelling is not in Wrington Parish, it was agreed to make no comment on this application.

09/P/0858/F - Woodmans Cottage, Simshill Wood, off Westhay Road, Wrington: Erection of single storey extensions to north-east and south-west elevations of forestry worker’s dwelling. This had been considered at the previous meeting, but comments had been deferred until the status of the property as a tied cottage and employment of the occupant had been clarified. The Clerk reported that the planning officer at NSC was still awaiting confirmation of these points from the applicant and had asked that the Parish Council make comments without this information.

It was agreed to object to the proposal on the grounds that the property is in the Green Belt and outside the settlement boundary. It was also agreed to comment that the Council has no information to confirm that the applicant is mainly employed in the forestry industry.

09/P/1020/OT2 – Bristol International Airport: Outline planning application with details of some elements included and other details reserved for subsequent approval, for major development increasing passenger flight numbers at Bristol International Airport.

It was agreed that it was only possible to decide on a method of dealing with this very large application at this meeting. After discussion, it was felt appropriate to concentrate on the issues that principally concern the residents of Wrington Parish, rather than attempt to comment on all aspects of the application. These issues would include: traffic and transport, culture and community, flora and fauna, night flights, etc. It was agreed that each member would study one of these aspects and produce comments (in the form of bullet points) by the next meeting on 28th July, when these could be considered and amalgamated.

The Clerk said that she had asked for clarification of the closing dates for comments, and had been told the deadline would be 13th August. It was felt that this was far too short a timescale to consider such an important application, and it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the head of planning at NSC to ask for an extension to allow at least 90 days for comments.

09/P/1089/F – The Keepers, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of 1no dwelling house following demolition of existing house and garage. This application had been received on the day of the meeting. After reviewing the plans, members agreed there was no objection in principle to the application, but that comments should be submitted to ask that the proposed new house should be appropriate in proportion and scale in relation to the adjacent properties.

8. Other Planning Issues

There were no other planning issues to consider.

The meeting was closed at 8.30 pm.

Mrs J. Gallop