Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 6th June, 2008
1 Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chairman
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr P. Ellis
Mrs J. Gallop
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs S.L. Dunn Morua
Mr G. A. Matthews
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr R. L. Thorn
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Mr M. Berkley

In attendance: Mr Geoffrey Robinson of Broad Street

2. Declarations of Interest

None on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation


4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th May were reviewed, and signed as a correct record.

5. Matters arising

a. Stone Farm – de-listing: Cllr Glynn is still pursuing the issue through English Heritage.

b. Regulations on replacement windows in the Conservation Area: Cllr Glynn said that he has been told by NSC that he has to go into their offices to look at the file on this, as it is too large to photocopy. It was felt that NSC should provide the Parish Council with a copy, and it was agreed that the Clerk should write to NSC to formally request this.

6. NSC South Area Planning Committee

There has been no meeting since 14th May. Cllr Bigg asked whether there had been any follow up to the decision on the BIA walkway application. Cllr Yamanaka said that she had not heard whether the airport was planning to appeal.

7. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

These had been circulated previously. The conditions relating to Oakdene Farm were noted.

8. Planning Applications

08/P/1152/F – Richards Garage: erection of 9no retirement dwellings with associated landscaping and parking following demolition of vehicle repair garage and associated storage buildings.

Cllr Thorn asked whether the other members of Council felt that in general the development was sufficiently different from the previous plan that they would support it in principle. He felt that the principle of retirement housing was good, but the narrowness of the site entrance remains a problem.

Cllr Bigg wondered whether it would be possible to restrict the properties to over 60’s in the long term, but Cllr Yamanaka said that this had been done in other parts of North Somerset.

Cllr Matthews said that the revised plans were getting closer to being acceptable, but they still represented an over-development of the site. He was particularly unhappy with the loss of trees, and also the difficulty of access. Cllr Irving felt that the main difficulties were the possibility of flooding, the difficult access and loss of bio-diversity. There was also nothing in the developer’s report which showed how the site had been marketed as a commercial concern.

It was agreed to make the following observations:

1. Will the planning officers be taking into account the results of the survey on flooding which is currently in progress?

2. A contribution under Section 106 would be expected, if and when approval is given.

3. A statement of intent on the future of Richards’ store would be helpful.

4. There must be adequate parking on the site.

It was agreed that Cllr Glynn would draft a response and circulate it to members for comments.

Cllr Yamanaka made her apologies and left the meeting at this point. Mr Robinson also left the meeting at this time.

08/P/1154/CA – Richards Garage - demolition of vehicle repair garage and associated storage buildings prior to erection of 9no retirement dwellings with associated parking and landscaping: It was agreed to object to this application pending the outcome of the above application.

08/P/1086/F – Ash Dale, Downside Road – Roof extension to create first floor living accommodation; erection of front door canopy; creation of balcony to north west elevation: it was agreed to make no comment on this application. However, the questions raised by the Environmental Protection Officer at NSC were noted, and it was agreed to request more details regarding the potential noise impact issues, and what conditions may be imposed.

08/P/1095/F – Wrington Lawn Tennis Club – Replacement of 10no floodlights with new 6.7 metre columns and lights: it was agreed to make no comment on this application, in the absence of any concerns from those neighbours most likely to be affected.

08/P/1113/WT – Church Lodge, Station Road: Treeworks – Ash x 1 – 30% crown reduction. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.

08/P/1142/F – 3 New Site, Church Road, Redhill: erection of a first floor roof extension to front elevation with 2no dormers. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.

08/P/1188/F – Woodlands, Wrington Hill: erection of a two storey detached garage/store (revision of 07/P/2079/F). It was agreed to comment as for the previous application – namely that the development is inappropriate in the Green Belt and the size is considered excessive. There is already a detached garage on the site and there appears to be no proposal to demolish this.

08/P/1199/F – Fountain Timber Products Ltd, Brockley Combe Road: erection of a 9m 2kw wind turbine at sawmill. It was agreed that this would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt and the Forest of Avon. There was also potential for adverse effects on bat populations. There appears to have been no assessment of the potential effects on the local environment, and a survey should be carried out. It was therefore agreed to object to the proposal.

8. Other Planning Issues

The Clerk read out a letter received from Mr Richard Kent, Development Control Group Manager at NSC, to request a meeting with representatives of the Council to discuss various enforcement issues. It was agreed that the Clerk would arrange this.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.30 pm.

Mr. D W Glynn