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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Planning Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 12th December, 2006
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours. Declaration of Members Interests Nil on known agenda items. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st November were adopted with 2 amendments: - 1) p2 line 28 for GOSWA read GOSW. 2) Page 2 line 30 for Airport Authority read Airport. Matters Arising The letter lodged by the PC at NSC relating to the BIA Master Plan is still recorded on the NSC website under Congresbury. Public Participation - Nil North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes Agenda for 13th December- re 06/P/2275/F- removal of condition 6 of planning permission 06/P/1006/F which restricts any part of the approved dwelling being used for paying guest accommodation at 3 Church View, Felton. Cllr. Yamanaka had asked that this be referred to NSC South Area Committee as she has concerns about increased traffic over Felton Common. The NSC Officer did not explain that this request was of a technical nature and that any change of use would be subject to a planning application. Speed Limit, Wrington Road, West Hay Road, Wrington. Cllr. Yamanaka indicated that whilst the Police would object to a 40 mph limit they would be prepared to reconsider if the local community expressed an interest in establishing a Local Action Team/Speedwatch operation. The Clerk indicated that the latter was waiting for details of proposed locations within the Parish in order that the Police co-ordinator could assess to see whether practical. Cllr. Yamanaka’s concerns are that the funding could be lost and inferred that NSC would accept a Minute from the PC expressing an intention to set up a Speedwatch operation. This to be discussed at the next PC Meeting. Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list. Planning Applications For planning applications and comments see attached sheet. 2) Land at Iwood Lane- NSC Enforcement team has looked at the location and the owner has agreed to plant a replacement hedge. However during the inspection the Enforcement Officer found that the hay barn is not correctly located, stables have been extended and lighting added, a portkabin (with electricity and running water) exists to keep feed and the ménage had six floodlighting stalks around it contrary to the permission given. The owner is to seek the assistance of a planning agent to rectify. 3) DE Matters December edition- the Clerk offered to photocopy for those not on e-mail. 4) 3 letters from Mr. Bartlett relating to the planning application for Brook House. 5) Development Control Workshop held 30th November. 36 attended representing 18 Town and Parish Councils. The Clerk has received a copy of the PowerPoint presentation and will forward to Councillors. 6) Signal Box, Station Road- the Clerk was instructed to seek clarification from NSC as to what planning permission held on this property. 7) Cllr. Yamanaka raised the issue of the addition to the footpath in Silver Street should the planning application for Brook House be approved. There is a letter on the NSC website from Mr. Key acting for the developers setting out reasons why this is not practical. Cllr. Glynn has in hand a response stating the PC’s reasons behind the request for this to be part of the planning process. Mr. D W Glynn |