Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 12th December, 2006
Mr D W Glynn
Mr T R Clements
Mrs J Gallop
Ms E P Irving
Mr G A Matthews
Chairman    Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mr T W Yearsley

  Mrs A Atkins
Mrs G J Bigg

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

Declaration of Members Interests – Nil on known agenda items.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st November were adopted with 2 amendments: - 1) p2 line 28 for GOSWA read GOSW. 2) Page 2 line 30 for Airport Authority read Airport.

Matters Arising – The letter lodged by the PC at NSC relating to the BIA Master Plan is still recorded on the NSC website under Congresbury.

Public Participation - Nil

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes

Agenda for 13th December- re 06/P/2275/F- removal of condition 6 of planning permission 06/P/1006/F which restricts any part of the approved dwelling being used for paying guest accommodation at 3 Church View, Felton. Cllr. Yamanaka had asked that this be referred to NSC South Area Committee as she has concerns about increased traffic over Felton Common. The NSC Officer did not explain that this request was of a technical nature and that any change of use would be subject to a planning application.

Speed Limit, Wrington Road, West Hay Road, Wrington. Cllr. Yamanaka indicated that whilst the Police would object to a 40 mph limit they would be prepared to reconsider if the local community expressed an interest in establishing a Local Action Team/Speedwatch operation. The Clerk indicated that the latter was waiting for details of proposed locations within the Parish in order that the Police co-ordinator could assess to see whether practical. Cllr. Yamanaka’s concerns are that the funding could be lost and inferred that NSC would accept a Minute from the PC expressing an intention to set up a Speedwatch operation. This to be discussed at the next PC Meeting.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

BIA Master Plan- the PC Airport sub-committee is working on the response to the Master Plan and is hopeful of presenting this to the next full PC Meeting scheduled for 19th December. Cllr. Irving is also to speak from a prepared text on the BIA Master Plan at a NSC Strategic Planning & Economic Development Policy and Scrutiny Panel Meeting to be held on 20th December- the content to be confirmed at the PC Meeting scheduled for 19th December. The Master Plan is scheduled for discussion at a NSC Planning and Regulatory Committee Meeting on 18th January 2007.

The Clerk mentioned that BIA has sent out a second paper headed- Setting the Record Straight- Further Questions and answers.

The PCAA has issued a document in response to the BIA Master Plan summary which Cllr. Glynn has, on the grounds of a possible breach of copyright issues, indicated that Wrington PC disassociates itself from, in relation to the reproduction of photographic images.

06/P/2020/F- Holiday Inn. An amendment has been received which appears to address matters raised by NSC and Wrington PC. After discussion it was agreed than a “No objection” comment is made. However under “Other Comments” a statement made that should any additional contributions be forthcoming under section 106 then these should be utilised for local highway improvements to help alleviate flooding issues at Nates Lane which is used for access purposes by employees of the Holiday Inn.

Other Planning Issues

1) Replacement Local Plan and the apparent lack of a detailed response regarding the decision to extend the settlement boundary in Wrington to accommodate additional land for industrial use. Cllr. Yamanaka said that the response was covered on page 71 of the report on the Local Plan sent to the NSC executive. It was agreed that she would obtain a copy of this and that at that stage the PC would decide whether further representations need be made.

2) Land at Iwood Lane- NSC Enforcement team has looked at the location and the owner has agreed to plant a replacement hedge. However during the inspection the Enforcement Officer found that the hay barn is not correctly located, stables have been extended and lighting added, a portkabin (with electricity and running water) exists to keep feed and the ménage had six floodlighting stalks around it contrary to the permission given. The owner is to seek the assistance of a planning agent to rectify.

3) DE Matters December edition- the Clerk offered to photocopy for those not on e-mail.

4) 3 letters from Mr. Bartlett relating to the planning application for Brook House.

5) Development Control Workshop held 30th November. 36 attended representing 18 Town and Parish Councils. The Clerk has received a copy of the PowerPoint presentation and will forward to Councillors.

6) Signal Box, Station Road- the Clerk was instructed to seek clarification from NSC as to what planning permission held on this property.

7) Cllr. Yamanaka raised the issue of the addition to the footpath in Silver Street should the planning application for Brook House be approved. There is a letter on the NSC website from Mr. Key acting for the developers setting out reasons why this is not practical. Cllr. Glynn has in hand a response stating the PC’s reasons behind the request for this to be part of the planning process.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.10 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
06/P/1773/F The Stable Block
Long Lane
DJP change of use of part of the south west wing lower ground floor and garden. Application withdrawn
06/P/2127/F Richards Garage
Broad Street
Summerfield Developments 14 dwellings & associated parking following demolition of workshop and associated storage buildings. Refuse
06/P/2293/PA1 BIA BIA Replacement modular prefabricated building to house the airside safety unit Observation- NSC "Whilst it is appreciated that the relocated site for these new buildings is not prominent, the on-going use of prefabricated buildings at the Airport is a continuing concern. Please clarify why it is not possible to consider using floor space within the old terminal building for the unit".
06/P/2305/F BIA BIA removal of conditions 2&3 on permission 05/P/0852/F- 2- relates to the MOT bay and it being used for airport vehicles and staff members. 3- relates to hours of operation. Approved- the application accords with Policy E/3 of the NSLocal Plan as the proposed use will remain ancillary to the main function of the Motor Transport Section and will not have a detrimental impact to the operation of the site.
06/P/2471/F Winters Lane, Redhill Taylor Stables Approve- for private use only. No external lighting. No horse jumps or riding obstacles to be erected. No trees shall be felled unless a scheme of replacement planting has been submitted and approved. Protective fencing to be erected around exisiting trees prior to commencement of development
06/P/2544/WT Ropers Lane, Wrington Wrington Utd. Reformed Church Robinia x2- 30% crown reduction and reduce the 2 crowns as one. Application withdrawn.
Planning Applications – Response from Wrington Parish Council
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
06/P/2688/TPO Udley Farm
West Hay Rd
Burnett Horse Chestnut- clean out crown and thin by up to 20%. Raise crown over highway by 7m No comment
06/P/2701/MP BIA BIA Master Plan 2006/2030
06/P/2728/13L Wrington Primary School
School Road
Wrington Primary School New internal door opening No comment
06/P/2764/F South View
Leggs Farm
Havyatt Road
Yeats Single storey rear extension and front porch No comment
06/P/2795/F Redhill House
Cheeseley Change of use from residential to class C1 with internal alterations. OBJECT. It is known that the existing owners have had reason to complain to NSC and the PC about access into the property from the A38. Speed on this section of the road is perceived as being frequently above the stated speed limit with road markings ignored. The proposed change of use would mean increased traffic flow and add to the problem.

The alternative access point can only be reached by turning off the A38 so the same problems remain. Also the access is considered unacceptable as it is on a blind spot in a narrow country lane.

The Council is also unaware of any mains drainage to this property and this could create problems if the change of use is agreed as there would be, by dint of paying guests, additional pressure on the system.

06/P/2845/WT lane leading to Field Cottage
Butts Batch
Tomlinson Leylandi x 3 fell. Leylandi x3 reduce height. No comment


The Clock House
High Street


shop fascia signs.

OBJECT. It is considered that any additional illumination would be an intrusion in the Conservation Area and for consistency reference should be made to 02/P/2274/ADV.