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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Planning Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 25th April, 2006
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours. Declaration of Members' Interests Cllr. Clements declared an interest in the planning application relating to the URC Chapel on the basis he is an active member. With regard to Brook House Cllr. Clements declared an interest as he lives opposite. Cllr. Bigg declared an interest in that she formed part of the steering group on an advisory basis. Cllr. Thorn declared an interest as he is a trustee. 1) - Pine Farm- NSC Enforcement Team looking into the planning issues raised. 2) West Hay Cottage, West Hay- the new porch may be within guidelines. No action for the time being. 3) Fencing- covered under NSC Planning Committee Minutes. Fencing- the Blackmoor Close application for retrospective erection of a 1.85m high fence was approved. However NSC did refuse a wooden fence in Hutton on the grounds of its siting, size and design detracts from the character and appearance of the area and on highway safety grounds. Hailstones Farm- appeal dismissed for change of use from agricultural land to use as car parking facility for users of BIA. Outstanding planning application- in the Parish 2 relating to certificates of Lawful Use. Enforcements- Clerk reported on 5 outstanding enforcement issues of which 4 were related to Airport car parking. Area Budget Bidding- still some funds left and the Clerk was directed to submit a request on behalf of the Memorial Hall towards committed expenditure of c£22,000. For planning applications and comments see attached sheet. 2) North Somerset Replacement Local Plan briefing. Cllrs. Glynn and Bigg volunteered to attend this session to be held on 12th May. 3) Tall Pines Golf Club- has planning permission for overnight accommodation for golfers so the sign is technically correct. 4) Buglers- letter from NSC Enforcement team advising that the external shelving does not materially affect the external appearance of the building. The Clerk has replied asking whether this was referred to the Conservation Officer. 5) Stoneleigh, Downside Road- planning appeal for change of use. The Council supported this in the first instance with a proviso that car parking was contained within the curtilage of the existing property. It was agreed that no response necessary. 6) Brook House. The Clerk indicated that he has written to the Standards Committee at North Somerset to obtain a dispensation for all Councillors to discuss this openly notwithstanding the many” interests”. Following the previous week’s exhibition a general discussion was held to ascertain whether the Council should submit some pre-application thoughts to the developers. The Clerk was directed to forward to all Councillors some bullet headings for them to infill with views so that these could be collated and then submitted. 7) These points to be: - Density & development proposals- is it too high both in terms of number of properties (Cllr. Thorn indicated that NSC specify maximum and minimum numbers per site) and design although well within current guidelines, Wall- should this be retained to keep the character of the Village, should Brook House be retained, entrance, parking provision, trees and traffic calming. |