Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday 1st March 2005

Mr D W Glynn
Mrs G J Bigg
Mrs J Gallop
Ms E P Irving
Mr G A Matthews
Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
    Mrs A Atkins,
    Mr T R Clements
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mrs R J Young
Mr T W Yearsley


The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th February 2005 were adopted.

Matters arising.

1. Environment Agency (Belvedere). The EA are still awaiting a response from the developer/agent.

2. Waste Consultation. The Chairman reported that no formal comment had been submitted on behalf of the PC. Thanks have been expressed to the JSPTU for the consultation opportunity.

3. Broadband. Following a review of the three local authority websites previously identified, it was suggested that South Glos is a good example of how the internet can be used for communicating planning matters.

4. Butcombe Brewery. NSC Enforcement have confirmed that there have been several breaches of Conditions and they are now in the process of resolving any outstanding issues with the developer.

Public Participation

Seven (7) members of the public attended, all with concerns about the proposed development at Havyatt Industrial Estate, 05/P/0287/F. Copies of letters of objection had been received from Mr & Mrs Hodges, The Briars and Mr & Mrs Harris, Little Ridge, both Cox’s Green; also from Mr Swinburne, Tumbling Weir.

Mr Hodges, Mr Harris and Mr Martini, Fairview, all spoke against the proposal, emphasising their concerns about highways, health & safety and environmental issues. In particular, Mr Hodges mentioned a local shortage of water at the time the Cleeves’ hay barn caught fire, suggesting that this could pose a risk in relation to any further development. Mr Martini commented on the fact no Environmental Statement was submitted with the application. He argued that the site should be surveyed before any development is approved. All were very concerned about increased traffic.

The Chairman thanked the residents for their contributions and invited them to remain while the issues were discussed.

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes
No report. Next South Area meeting scheduled for 9 March 2005.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – see separate table attached.
Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

Other Planning Issues

1. Tree works application, 19 The Glebe. A Tree Preservation Order has been issued following refusal of permission for felling the silver birch, ref 05/P/0180/WT.

2. Goblin Combe campsite. A letter had been received from NSC advising of a site inspection meeting held 16 February 2005, with the application to be determined by the Central Area Committee, 3 March 2005.

3. Development at 2 Ladywell. Following comments that work on this site might not have planning permission, an initial search by Development Control has been unable to find an application for the two-storey side extension. DC are to investigate further and advise.

4. Gatcombe Farm. It was reported that excavator and other plant was moved onto this site last week, with some possible tipping of building waste. Work then began to clear the hard surfaces and to burn materials. Following concerns expressed by residents, this activity was reported to Enforcement, Environmental Health & (by NSC) the HSE. NSC wanted to advise the HSE because of the probable presence of asbestos.

5. Replacement Local Plan. The Chairman reported from the pre-Inquiry meeting held 17 February 2005 at which the Inquiry arrangements were discussed. The public Inquiry will sit from 7 June 2005 at the Campus, WSM, with the Inspector’s report due in March 2006. A point to note is that BIA are seeking to expedite decisions on airport related issues, particularly their objection to the BIA site being ‘washed over’ by the Green Belt. This directly relates to a planning application for a major terminal extension expected this autumn. Following the meeting, advice was received that two Inspectors will preside, one specifically to consider BIA issues.

6. Signs. The issue of unauthorised roadside signs was raised again and it was agreed that the Clerk should write to NSC urging enforcement action against unlawful signs, especially those along the A38. The Chairman commented that Highways have been reminded of their policy to remove signs on the public highway, ref Long Lane.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.30 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision


The Lodge, School Road

Peverell Management Services

2x Holm Oaks- 25% crown reduction. 2x Yews-30% crown reduction


Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
05/P/0265/F Raglan Farm
Clark Erection of a first floor rear extension, ext. to roof over stable and new roof over garage & store. The Council was pleased to note that comments made in relation to previous applications for this site appear to have been taken on board. No further comments.


Havyatt Ind Estate
Havyatt Road

Autotrend Ltd

Erection of seven (7) light industrial units, parking, access & landscaping.

Following detailed discussion of the issues, the Council agreed to submit a conditional Objection to this development proposal.

See explanatory letter, sent separately.


Innex Cottage
Ropers Lane


Retrospective notice for felling 5xLeyland Cypress; Application to fell 2x L. Cypress, prune 1x Monterey Cypress.

No comment.

(Burrrington PC)

Evangelical Church
Blackmoor Road
Lower Langford

Lee Yew - reduce crown by up to 25% No comment. Application details provided for information only.
(Backwell PC)

Hyatts Wood Road

Vauden Green waste site Although the plans had been seen and details reported to the Committee, we had not been sent this application when there could be highways implications for the residents of Downside Rd. The vehicle movements suggested do not appear to be significant, but DC is requested to advise Wrington PC of similar applications in future. We suggest that the site appears to be elevated and could impact on views from Downside Rd.