Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 21st March, 2012


1. Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs C. Turton, (Vice-Chair)
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr P. Robinson (part)
Mr B. Taylor
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Ms J. Bishop, Assistant Clerk

In attendance: Mr J Ledbury, Mr M MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer, NSC
1. To receive apologies from Members for non-attendance.
Apologies were received from Cllr Howells (holiday) and Cllr Rawlins (unwell).

2. To receive Members’ declarations of interests on known agenda matters and any amendments to the register of interests.

Cllr Taylor declared an interest in Agenda Item 11a (To agree that the annual allotment rents for 2012/13) as he is an allotment holder and Secretary of Wrington Allotment Association.

3. To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 15th February 2012.
The minutes were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

The meeting was then adjourned to allow for public participation.

4. Public Participation

Mr Ledbury spoke to the Council to make them aware of a complaint made by a resident to NSC about the striking of All Saints' Church clock during night hours. He outlined the history of the clock, explaining that it had been chiming in its current pattern since 1903. He further explained that the Church had received a letter from NSC Environmental Protection acknowledging the complaint and that the Church had responded requesting that sound readings be taken to establish an evidential basis for further discussion. The Council commented that no complaints had been received from residents and agreed that the matter would be included on the Agenda for the next Council meeting.

Mr Ledbury then left the Meeting.

5. To receive a report from the Police representative
No Police representative was present. PCSO Mayo had sent an email report on crimes from 11th February to 16th March 2012. Councillors requested that the Clerk contact PCSO Mayo for more details on the crimes listed, to ask for details on crimes at Bristol Airport and to also establish the date when PC Lloyd Nethercott would start in post as replacement for PC Tacchi.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

6. To note items of correspondence received and requiring action:

· Positive Activity Project – email from Mr Rob Warren, NSC, concerning this project aimed at young people and inviting the Council to join a Local Commission Network. It was agreed that Rob Warren was to be invited to the next Council meeting.

· Request from Ms Tracey Wells for permission to erect a 6x4ft shed on her allotment plot, no 21a.

Resolved: Approved

· Request from the Wrington School PTA for permission to use the Rec for the annual fireworks display to be held 9th November 2012.

Resolved: Approved

· Request on behalf of the Bristol Orienteering Klub advising of the intention to organise a street orienteering event in Wrington on Wednesday 2nd May 2012 from around 5pm to 8pm and requesting permission to use the Rec car park and field as a base.

Resolved: Approved, with the Hall Committee to be advised.

· Request from Mrs Chris Phillips that the Council consider installing benches on each of the grass banks at the end of Lawrence Road and at the South Meadows/School Road junction for use by older residents, with this proposed as a Jubilee project.

Resolved: The Clerk to provide budget costs, to include purchase of two benches, ground preparation, security measures and installation for consideration by the Council, and also to advise if there are any potential land ownership issues. Mr MacGregor offered to contact Somerset Wood Recycling to see if any refurbished benches are available through NSC.

· Notification received from Mr John Rubidge advising that he is to step down as Chair of the Dickensian Fair committee and proposing that he might address a meeting of the Council concerning the future of the Fair.

Resolved: The Clerk to invite Mr Rubidge to attend a future Council meeting at his convenience. Cllr Glynn to contact Mr Rubidge to advise that the Council recognises that the Fair is a valuable community event but does not have the resources to take on its management.

7. To receive the Clerk’s Report and consider any matters arising (copies circulated).

· Gully Cleaning

Resolved: Councillors to inform the Clerk of any blocked gullies they notice.

· Highway in Brooklyn

Resolved: Cllr Yamanaka to notify Graham Berry (who had complained about the state of the road) that NSC had confirmed that Brooklyn had been included in the 2012-13 works programme.

· Church Walk Play Area

Resolved: To defer discussion until quotes have been received from all three of the potential suppliers invited to submit proposals.

8. To receive the Finance Report, including payments recommended for approval, bank reconciliation, and receipts and payments report for the previous month.

Copies of the reports provided separately.
Approval for the following payments was sought:

Clerks and Council direct and Local Councils update 2012 subscription £75.00
CPRE membership renewal £29.00
SEC – street lighting maintenance, 3rd quarter 2011/12 £766.19
Fountains – Dog Bins, December, January £129.60
Tom Vowles – village orderly – wages for February £104.00
D.G. Maintenance, notice boards A38 and Downside Road £170.00
Clerk’s salary March – to be calculated
Assistant Clerk’s salary March – to be calculated

Resolved: To approve the payments as proposed.

9. To receive and consider reports from:

a. District Councillor, Cllr Yamanaka. This was received.

In relation to certain residents of School Road running out of grey bags and also the leaflet detailing collection dates not being delivered, Mr MacGregor agreed to follow this up.

b. NE Ward report, Cllr Turton. This was received.

It was noted that Cllr Glynn would attend the Airport Consultative Meeting on 25 April on behalf of Cllr Turton.

c. WVMP, Cllr Robinson.

Cllr Robinson reported that a letter had been sent to WVMP inviting them to talk about how to retain their patients. WVMP had responded.

Resolved: It was agreed that a reply to the WVMP letter would now be considered.

d. Wrington Sports & Social Club, Cllr Howells. There was no report provided.

e. Twinning Association, Cllr Rawlins. There was no report provided.

10. To receive and consider reports from Working Groups:

a. Finance, Cllr Rawlins. This was received.

Resolved: To defer renewal of the ALCA subscription pending receipt of further information on ALCA’s activities, budget and details of the proportion of the membership subscription passed on to NALC.

Also, in relation to the graffiti on the skateboard park, Mr MacGregor offered to establish how much NSC would charge to remove it and to forward details to the Clerk.

b. Environment, Cllr Bigg. There had been no meeting held this month.

c. Highways, Cllr Ledbury. There had been no meeting held this month.

Resolved: The Clerk would circulate to Councillors copies of the “Issues Log” which is used to log and follow up issues relating to street lights, pot holes, etc.

11. To consider and approve the following recommendations from Working Groups:

a. To agree that the annual allotment rents for 2012/13 at £15 per half plot and £30 per full plot.

Resolved: To increase the annual rents for 2012/13 at £12.50 per half plot and £25.00 per full plot. Furthermore to give notice of the Council’s intention to review rents on an annual basis in future and, if necessary, to increase the rents by, at a minimum, the rate of inflation.

b. To agree that the hourly rate for the new village orderly (yet to be appointed) should initially be set at £8/hour with the possibility of this being reviewed after a probation period.

Resolved: Approved.

c. To approve the updated Council’s Financial Regulations.

Resolved: Approved subject to the insertion under item 9 (Banking Arrangements & Payments) a reference to the fact that the Council is not allowed to conduct internet bank for the time being.

d. To approve the proposed Council Grant Policy.

Resolved: Approved subject to the amendment of item 9 to read “An organisation which has not previously applied to the Council should normally submit a copy of its constitution, annual report and list of Officers. Where relevant formal information is not available the applicant should submit full background details in writing”.

e. To agree that if considered advantageous to the community the Council might fund and place an order for a replacement bowling surface at the Wrington Bowling Club as the Council is the Tenant for the premises concerned.

Resolved: To investigate this matter further and discuss at next Council Meeting if it is feasible.

12. To note the establishment of the Bristol Airport Community Fund and the funding allocations agreed at the first meeting of the Management Committee held 24 February 2012 which include funding provided to Backwell PC, with members invited to consider projects for possible future applications by the Council alongside promotion of this opportunity to other parish organisations.

Resolved: Councillors to circulate proposals through the Working Groups.

13. To consider the Travel Plan required in relation to the conditions attached to the planning permission for the proposed new medical centre in Pudding Pie Lane, Churchill, ref 11/P/1141/F, and how the Council might prepare an appropriate response.

Resolved: To discuss at the next Planning Committee meeting (3 April 2012).

14. To consider a recommended response to the Wrington Sports & Social Club Ltd following the granting of conditional permission by NSC’s Licensing Sub-Committee for a Premises Licence and a review of the proposed opening hours and related issues undertaken by the Environment Working Group as agreed at the February meeting of the Council.

Resolved: To approve the Council’s response in the form of a position statement subject to revision only to the wording of the opening and closing paragraphs, with the all other details unchanged from those circulated prior to the meeting. Wrington Sports & Social Club Ltd then to be advised of the agreed opening hours and other conditions.

15. To consider the S106 Agreement related to the Brook House Development and PV panels, which states the sum of £10,000 as a contribution towards the installation of photovoltaic panels on Wrington Memorial Hall, together with options subsequently raised with NSC.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact NSC to establish whether planning permission would be required for an installation on either the Hall or garage roof. Furthermore to establish whether further insulation or other energy conservation measures would be necessary.

16. To review the status of the proposed refurbishment of the Computer Room and agree on what actions are required.

Resolved: Cllr Taylor agreed to talk to the Clerk about the way forward.

17. To review the arrangements and confirmed speakers for the Annual Parish meeting.

Resolved: The Clerk to circulate details.

18. Memorial Hall – to consider requests to serve alcohol, as follows:

· Mr Dan Lloyd has requested permission to sell alcohol at a Scout and Guide Barn dance to be held on the 12th May 2012.

Resolved: Approved.

19. Items raised by Members for information and for possible consideration at the next meeting to be held Wednesday, 18th April 2012.

· The number of Members of the Council.

· All Saints Church’s clock striking during night hours - see item 4 above (Public Participation)

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10.20pm.

David Glynn