Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Wednesday, 15th February, 2012


1. Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs C. Turton, Vice-Chair (part}
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mrs L. Howells
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr J. Rawlins
Mr P. Robinson (part)
Mr B. Taylor
Ms J. Bishop, Assistant Clerk

In attendance: Mr R Clements, Mr C Tarr, Mr M MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer, NSC).
1. To receive apologies from Members for non-attendance.

Apologies were received from Cllr Yamanaka.

2. To receive Members’ declarations of interests on known agenda matters and any amendments to the register of interests.

There were no declarations of interest.

3. To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 18th January 2012.

The minutes were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

The meeting was then adjourned to allow for public participation.

4. Public Participation

Mr Clements and Mr Tarr attended the meeting to speak on behalf of the Wrington Sports & Social Club Ltd (WSSC) .

Mr Clements outlined the history of WSSC’s occupation of the Pavilion on the Recreation Field and the reasons for applying initially for a variation to the Club Premises Certificate and later for a Premises Licence. He accepted there had been a lack of consultation. Mr Clements also outlined the responsibilities of the various bodies involved and offered to resolve any issues, stating that there had not been any intention to have longer opening hours than the lease allowed for. He also stated that the rent for the Pavilion building had now been paid.

Mr Tarr outlined the reasons for, and history of, the franchise agreement under which the bar was operated. Mr Tarr then answered Councillors questions on the Club’s arrangement with the Franchisee.

The Chair thanked Mr Clements and Mr Tarr for speaking to the Council and offered to bring forward Agenda Item 13 to allow members of the public to listen to the Council’s discussion on this subject without delay.

13. To review the decision of NSC’s Licensing Sub-Committee in relation to the Premises Licence application submitted by Wrington Sports and Social Club Ltd considered at a Hearing held 24th January 2012. To consider the Council’s response, the conditions attached to the decision, its impact on the lease and any issues arising, and to decide on whether or not the Council should appeal the decision.

Resolved: It was agreed that the Council would not appeal against the decision of NSC’s Licensing Sub-Committee. However, as a complaint about noise had come to light that had not been previously available, it was agreed to further consider the proposed opening hours and related issues at the next meeting of the Environment Working Group with a recommendation to be presented to the next meeting of the Council.

Mr Clements and Mr Tarr then left the Meeting.

5. To receive a report from the Police representative:

No Police representative was present. PCSO Mayo had sent an email report on crimes from 16th January 2012 to 10th February 2012. Councillors requested that the Clerk contact PCSO Mayo as the report seemed incomplete. It was reported that PCSO Mayo had returned from sick leave following an injury but was still on light duties. It was also noted that PC Lloyd Nethercott would shortly be in post as replacement for PC Tacchi.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

6. To note items of correspondence received and requiring action:

- There were no items of correspondence requiring action.

7. To note other items of correspondence received:

· Invitation to the National Grid Strategic Community Forum meeting on Tuesday 28th February, Yatton Rugby Club. Noted

· Local Access Forum contact – Parish contact confirmed as Jonathan Brownett

Resolved: To invite Jonathan Brownett to meet the Council when considered appropriate.

· Email from Ron Bailey, Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Councillor: request re proposal to empower Town and and Parish Councils. Noted

· Education Provision in North Somerset – A Commissioning Strategy 2012-2015

Resolved: Cllr Turton would examine the consultation to consider if a response is felt necessary.

· NSC Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing decision

Noted - see Agenda Item 13.

8. To receive the Clerk’s Report and consider any matters arising (copies circulated).

· Streets & Open Spaces

Mr MacGregor reported that Ginny Smith is temporarily in post and that recruitment to replace Fay Powell as Area Officer is in hand.

· Dog Bins - Recreation Field

The Assistant Clerk reported that the new dog bin by the Skate Park and new signs had been installed. Councillors asked that this be confirmed.

Resolved: That the Clerk should check that the ‘dogs on lead’ signs are positioned appropriately. Also, that the orange hazard fencing installed as a temporary measure by the new play equipment should now be removed.

· Parish Office opening times

Resolved: To change the mornings that the office is open to the public from a Wednesday and Friday to a Tuesday and Friday to allow the Clerk and Assistant Clerk more time to work together. It was agreed to advertise this change in the Journal.

· New quote for allotment fence and proposed repositioned gate on the north side of the car park at £570.00 plus VAT.

Resolved: To accept the quotation from M Babbage & Son for the new fence and gate and to confirm the order.

9. To receive the Finance Report, including payments recommended for approval, bank reconciliation, and receipts and payments report for the previous month.

Copies of the reports provided separately.

Approval for the following payments was sought:

NSC – May 2011 election fees         £160.56
NSC – Contribution towards purchase and set up costs of Paperless Parishes £100.00
SEC – street lighting maintenance, 3rd quarter 2011/12       £766.19
Fountains – Dog Bins, December         £50.60
Russell Play- Playbuilder equipment (grant already received via NSC)       £24,000.00
Avon Youth Association – visits of AYA Youth Outreach Bus Sessions
for January - March 2012          £1,000.00
Tom Vowles – village orderly – wages for February              £104.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for February                  £108.00
Clerk’s salary February – to be calculated
Assistant Clerk’s salary February – to be calculated
Clerk – reimbursement for fridge and 2 smoke alarms                                  £121.58
Cllr Rawlins proposed approval of the payments and Cllr Bigg seconded the motion.

Resolved: To approve the payments as proposed. In relation to Russell Play, to retain 10% of the invoiced amount, £2000 excl. VAT, pending completion of the works and restitution of the ground as required under the contract.

10. To receive and consider reports from:

a. District Councillor, Cllr Yamanaka. This was received.

In relation to litter left after waste collections in Wrington and the timing of collections on Downside Road, Mark MacGregor agreed to follow this up.

b. NE Ward report, Cllr Turton. This was received.

Resolved: Councillors to submit any agenda items for the next Parish Councils Airport Association Meeting to Cllr Turton by the morning of Friday 16th March 2012.

c. WVMP, Cllr Robinson.

Cllr Robinson apologised that a written report had been submitted late. Cllr Robinson updated members on recent developments and reported that, following receipt of a letter from John Gowar, Dr Liam Fox had promised to take the matter up of the planning process and decision with David Turner, Director of Planning and Environment, NSC.

Resolved: Cllr Glynn and Cllr Robinson to further consider the Council’s response to the meeting held 10th January 2012 with the Practice and to submit an agreed letter alongside the Council’s notes on the meeting.

d. Wrington Sports & Social Club, Cllr Howells. There was no report as Cllr Howells had not attended a meeting. It was noted that Cllr Howells had not been advised by the Club of the latest meeting.

e. Twinning Association, Cllr Rawlins. There was no report provided.

11. To receive and consider reports from Working Groups:

a. Finance, Cllr Rawlins. This was received.

Resolved: The Assistant Clerk to forward a copy of the email from Fountains relating to increased charges for emptying dog bins to Mr MacGregor.

Resolved: To accept the quote for grass/hedge cutting for 2012/13 from Chris Clark subject to clarification on what is meant by “extras”.

b. Environment, Cllr Bigg. There had been no meeting held this month.

c. Highways, Cllr Ledbury. There had been no meeting held this month.

Mr MacGregor agreed to confirm the status of repairs to the village signs, to advise the definition of what constitutes a ‘pot hole’ requiring justifiable repair works, and ask that someone investigates the road edge erosion in Long Lane and Havyatt Road.

12. To consider and approve the following recommendations from Working Groups:

a. To consider presenting Wrington Pre-school and School children, together with others living in the Parish and of a similar age, with a Diamond Jubilee commemorative coin from the Parish Council, with the budget previously agreed up to £1500.

Resolved: To purchase the silver medal, with presentation case, from Medals UK with the inscription “Presented by Wrington Parish Council 2012”.

Resolved: The Clerk to request a sample of the presentation case before the order is placed.

Resolved: Cllr Howells to confirm with the PTA the fact that this commemorative item will be a medal and not a coin.

b. To consider the first draft of a job description for a consolidated Village Orderly role.

Resolved: To agree the draft job description in principle with this to be further considered and the detail confirmed at the next meeting of the Highways Working Group, 1st March 2012, together with preparation of an advertisement for placing in the April issue of the Wrington Journal.

c. To agree that the sum of £11,902.40 offered for open space facilities in relation to the Brook House development S106 should be designated for replacement and new play equipment for use by younger children in the Church Walk Play Area.

Resolved: To note the proposal received from Russell Play and to hold this until two further remaining quotations are received.

d. To approve a request from the Twinning Association for a grant payment of £350 for the year 2011/12, as per budget.

Resolved: To approve the request as previously budgeted.

e. To consider the recommendation that a sum of £200 should be provided for cutting rough grass, overgrown shrubs and small hedge branches on the newly acquired northern section of the allotments and that up to £400 to be provided for the purchase of a new matching storage cupboard in the office.

Resolved: To approve the work on the allotments with a maximum expenditure of £200 and to place an order with Bristol Office Products for a new storage cupboard with a maximum price of £400.

13. To review the decision of NSC’s Licensing Sub-Committee in relation to the Premises Licence application submitted by Wrington Sports and Social Club Ltd considered at a Hearing held 24th January 2012. To consider the Council’s response, the conditions attached to the decision, its impact on the lease and any issues arising, and to decide on whether or not the Council should appeal the decision.

Brought forward in Agenda - see Page 1.

14. To consider arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 25th April 2012, and to decide on possible speakers.

Resolved: Councillors to submit suggestions to the Clerk, preferably by Friday 24th February 2012, with possibilities including the Environment Agency, Bristol Airport, Citizens Advice Bureau, Police, West of England Rural Network (ref Localism), Twinning Association and NSC (eg. S&OS, Highways, Drainage, Housing Policy, Dog Control).

15. To consider the 2012 Annual Report/Newsletter and the preferred layout.

Resolved: To request contributions from members for consolidation into a Council report which will form the main part of the Newsletter, with individual contributions to be included separately where appropriate. It was agreed that the design should be reviewed with the objective of producing a more visually attractive yet informative report. Cllr Rawlins agreed to submit new photographs for consideration and to seek advice on the design/layout.

16. To consider the S106 Agreement related to the Brook House Development and PV panels, which states the sum of £10,000 as a contribution towards the installation of photovoltaic panels on Wrington Memorial Hall, together with options subsequently raised with NSC.

Resolved: To defer this item to next meeting, 21st March 2012.

17. To review the status of the proposal for an extension to the skate park, including reports from the Memorial Hall and Recreation Field Committee and a meeting with Wheelscapes, the supplier.

Resolved: It was agreed to accept the Wheelscapes proposal in principle to enable fundraising to commence while noting that any potential issues relating to the proposed development will need to be resolved, including the possibility that planning permission is required. The Clerk to seek advice from NSC.

18. To consider the following consultations:

· North Somerset Draft Tenancy Strategy Consultation, with details circulated previously by email, 9 February 2012.

Resolved: Although no comments had been received, it was noted that the closing date for the consultation is 9th April 2012. Any comments should be provided to the Clerk by 30th March 2012 for consolidation and submission to NSC.

19. Memorial Hall – to consider requests to serve alcohol, as follows:

· Pippa Jenkins has requested permission to sell alcohol in relation to a fund-raising event to be held on 9th March 2012.

Resolved: To grant permission.

20. Items raised by Members for information and for possible consideration at the next meeting to be held Wednesday, 21st March 2012:

· To further discuss any proposals or quotations received for the potential refurbishment of the Cyber Room.

· To consider a proposal that the Council should fund and place an order for a replacement bowling surface at the Wrington Bowling Club. The Council is the Tenant for the premises concerned, with the facility sublet to the Bowling Club.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10.15pm.

David Glynn