Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 26th October, 2011


Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs C. Turton, (Vice-Chair)
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr O. Hollingdale
Mrs L. Howells
Mr J. Rawlins
Mr P. Robinson
Mr B. Taylor
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk

In attendance: Mr Mark MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer, NSC), Mr Jeremy Birkett
1. To receive apologies from Members for non-attendance:

Apologies were received from Cllr Finch (prior engagement) and Cllr Ledbury (prior family commitment).

2. To receive Members’ declarations of interests on known agenda matters and any amendments to the register of interests:

Cllr Rawlins declared an interest on the subject of the bus shelter guttering in the Clerk’s report as he has family ties with the person running ‘Gutter gleam’.

3. To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 28th September 2011.

The minutes were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

4. To adjourn the meeting for Public Participation.

Mr Jeremy Birkett thanked the Council for letting him speak at the meeting and gave an informative talk on the planned events for Wrington Fair week, 2012. He had made a request to the Council to cover the cost of the Memorial Hall hire for activities taking place in the Hall during the week of the Fair.

Resolved: The Parish Council agreed in principle to support the Fair by covering the cost of the Hall but it was noted that this money would be coming out of next year’s budget which had not yet been fixed.

The Chair thanked Jeremy Birkett for attending and Mr Birkett left the room.

5. To receive a report from the Police representative

No Police representative was present at the meeting. Crime Figures from the airport of the last 6 months were circulated, along with a brief email from PCSO Mayo on crime figures for the last month in the Parish. Councillors felt that they would wish to go back to receiving the more detailed report, as sent in previous months.

Resolved: Clerk to contact PCSO Mayo asking for the previous format of reports to be sent, not an emailed list of figures.

The meeting was reconvened.

6. To note items of correspondence received and requiring action:

· The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons – ‘The guide to taking part’.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to Keith Garrett about the possibility of lighting a beacon on his farmland on Wrington Hill, as it had been suggested that Mr Garrett had allowed the beacon on his land at the Queen’s Golden jubilee celebrations ten years ago. The Clerk, on his agreement with this proposal, would then register the Parish Council’s interest by using the appropriate form.

· Request for support towards the Citizens Advice Bureau service in North Somerset.

Resolved: The Clerk to request further information from the CAB on approximately how many people from the Parish they had helped over the last year and to then pass on this information to the Finance Group for consideration.

· Wrington Village Fair week – letter from Jeremy Birkett requesting the Council to underwrite the cost of hiring the Hall.

This had already been discussed under public participation.

7. To note other items of correspondence received:

· The 2013 Review of Parliamentary constituencies in England. This was noted.

· Hinkley C Connection Group: Papers from consultation meeting held 13 October. This was noted.

· Wrington Dickensian Christmas Fayre – letter of thanks for confirming insurance cover on the tree and lights, and enclosing the site safety plan. This was noted.

8. To receive the Clerk’s report

The Glebe car park wall

The party responsible for the damaged section of the wall had been determined to be a management company who had agreed to effect repairs

Resolved: To undertake a land registry search to determine the ownership of all the Glebe car park wall, not just the most damaged part, and to accept any charges associated with this search.

Bus shelter sides

Resolved: To agree to install toughened glass panels in the sides of the bus shelter. The Chair to make a request to the airport community fund for £500 to cover the cost.

Guttering on the bus shelter

Resolved: To request samples of the options of guttering available and to consider the choice of material before deciding on how to proceed.

9. To receive the Finance Report, including payments recommended for approval, bank reconciliation, and the receipts and payments report for the previous month. Copies of the reports provided separately.

Approval for the following payments was sought:

Mazars LLP – external audit for year end March 2011 £480.00
SEC – streetlight maintenance 2nd quarter 2011/12 £766.19
Portrayal – photocopier June-September 2011 £28.00
Fountains – dog bin emptying August 2011 £72.00
Fountains – dog bin emptying September 2011 £57.60
om Vowles – village orderly – wages for October £104.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for October £108.00
HMRC – Income Tax and National Insurance, 2nd quarter 2011/12
(cheque already sent) £339.19

Clerk’s salary October – to be calculated
Clerk – reimbursement for purchases made:- stamps (£0.72), batteries (£3.55),
Pens (£3.58) £7.85
Assistant Clerk’s salary October – to be calculated
Assistant Clerk – reimbursement for purchases made:- subscription to Village Journal (£6.00), envelopes (£4.20) and stamps (£25.20) £35.40

Cllr Rawlins proposed approval of the payments and Cllr Bigg seconded the motion.

Resolved: To grant approval for the payments.

10. To receive and consider reports from;

a. District Councillor, Cllr Yamanaka. This was received..

b. NE Ward report, Cllr Turton. This was received. Mark Macgregor reported that he would check when resurfacing on Downside Road would be undertaken and would ask David Murphy, the NSC Engineer responsible, to contact Cllr Turton on both this and the proposed lay-by works.

Cllr Turton made a request for the parish noticeboard on Downside Road to be refurbished at some point.

c. WVMP report, Cllr Robinson. Cllr Robinson reported that he would be contacting Peter Maitland about how to proceed and whether there would be any challenge to the now approved planning application for the new surgery in Pudding Pie Lane.

The Chair thanked Cllr Robinson for all of his hard work on this issue so far.

The Council agreed to register its disappointment at the outcome of the surgery issue, despite its best efforts to oppose the closure of the current surgery.

d. Sports & Social Club, Cllr Howells. Cllr Howells reported that an extraordinary meeting had been held to discuss possible improvements to the Club building. Cllr Howells also pointed out that an application had been submitted to NSC Licensing to extend the hours of use at the Club.

Resolved: To check the current lease and to write to the Chairman of the Sports & Social Club requesting further information on the licensing application as submitted.

11. To receive and consider reports from Working Groups:

a. Finance, Cllr Rawlins. This was received.

PC website

Cllr Hollingdale offered to advise on any Council website development issues.

b. Environment, Cllr Bigg. There had been no meeting this month. Cllr Bigg would be sending out a list of outstanding actions to John Inman, NSC.

c. Highways, Cllr Ledbury. There had been no meeting this month.

12. To consider and approve the following recommendations from Working Groups:

a. To approve the purchase of four grit bins, with latest price advised at £150 each, one of these to replace the damaged bin in Winters Lane. Other locations to be confirmed.

Resolved: To approve the recommendation in principle, with bins to be placed in Winters Lane, Kings Road and Orchard Close and with the possibility of positioning one more within the Parish. The exact locations of these grit bins to be recommended by the Highways Group.

b. To agree that following confirmation of renewal of the Glebe Field lease a survey of the trees in the Play Area and adjacent Field should be undertaken so that a management plan can be prepared. Quotes to be sought for an appropriate survey.

Resolved: To approve the recommendation.

13. To note the invitation from NSC for the Council to enter into discussions about the potential for transfer of assets and services from the district council, and to confirm

acceptance of the offer of a laptop, printer, digital projector and other IT equipment, all at a cost to the Council of £100.

Resolved: To confirm acceptance and to advise NSC as such.

14. To acknowledge the conditional decision taken at the extraordinary meeting of the Council held 18 October 2011 in relation to section of the preferred bidder for supply of The Playbuilder equipment and to consider any outstanding issues in advance of the order confirmation.

Resolved: To confirm Russell Play as the preferred bidder and to write accepting the offer for the installation of a zip wire, basket swing and Sky Carver, all at a fixed price of £20,000.

15. To consider the potential installation of photo voltaic (PV) panels on the Memorial Hall roof in relation to the S106 agreement attached to the Brook House development.

Resolved: To wait for a reply from Richard Kent, NSC, on whether the S106 agreement can be varied to include other possibilities for the use of the money on the Hall. In the meantime, the Clerk to check current prices of solar panels and lead times with recommended installers.

16. To note that Tom Vowles no longer wishes to act as Village Orderly and to consider a recommendation that the Orderly roles are now consolidated, with the responsibilities and duties reviewed, and that one individual might in future be employed as the Village Orderly with costs not to exceed the current total budget figure.

Resolved: To agree to consolidate the Orderly roles. The Highways Group to clarify the role and responsibilities at their next meeting.

17. To consider nominations for the remaining vacancy as a Council representative on the Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee.

Cllr Hollingdale nominated Cllr Taylor for the role, all were in agreement.

Resolved: Cllr Taylor elected to be a Council representative on the Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee.

18. Items raised by Members for information and for possible consideration at the next meeting to be held Wednesday, 23 November 2011.

· Cllr Bigg informed Members that the Parish is now within a Community Ward which is called the ‘Strawberry Line’.

· Cllr Turton informed Members that the Judicial Review requested in relation to the Bristol Airport planning application had been refused.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10.10pm.

David Glynn