Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 23rd February, 2011


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr J. Rawlins
P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk
Mr M. Berkley
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips

In attendance: Mr John Gowar
2. Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Bigg declared an interest in WVMP as Chair of LINK. Cllr Turton declared an interest in the Solar Park, Downside Road.

3. Public Participation

John Gowar presented a print of the Rocque Wrington Estate maps to the Council. The Chair thanked him for this.

John Gowar addressed the Council about the idea of using the Wrington surgery building as a Community building when it becomes vacant. He explained that it could be bought by the community by way of seeking capital funding.

Members discussed who would use the building and questioned how it would be administered. .

4. The Minutes of the meeting held on January 26th were reviewed and signed as a true record after an addition to the WVMP report. With regard to the WVMP report, Cllr Yamanaka felt that the discussion in the previous month’s meeting concerning the satellite surgery conditions was missing a reference to the Planning condition she felt had been included in the discussion. It was agreed to note this now; that there should be a Planning condition for approval of the main surgery stipulating the continuation and maintenance of the proposed satellite surgery.

5. Correspondence

a. Community action final meeting: this was noted.

b. Permission to consume alcohol from the WI: This was granted

c. Bee keeping on the allotments:
Resolved: Wrington Parish Council would be happy to support bee-keeping on the allotments pending agreement from the allotment association.
Action: Clerk to write to the allotment association on this matter

d.Email from Liam Fox regarding forthcoming surgeries:

Resolved: Members of Wrington Parish Council would with to meet Liam Fox on one of his surgery days.
Action: Clerk to ask Ione Douglas where the surgeries are and to enquire into the possibility of Members meeting Liam Fox just before the surgery on Friday 7th April or just after his surgery on April 8th.

6. Reports

a. Police report: a report was circulated and reviewed. It was noted that Road names were missing from the report.
Action: Clerk to ask the Police to supply Road names in the report.

b. Clerk’s Report: this was received. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.
Resolved: Clerk to contact NSC about supplying a sign indicating bridal way at or near the Brockley Combe barrier.

Financial Report. The Clerk reported that the bank statements had not yet been received so a bank reconciliation and receipts and payments report had not been circulated this month. Once the accounts have been done the reports will be available for inspection in the Parish Office. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

The following accounts for payment were approved:

Avon Youth Association Bus, Jan- March 2011-02-23 £1,000
BT phone bill- John Locke Room –Nov to Feb £112.09
Echo Irving – reimbursement for flight tickets for Twining Ceremony £181.27
David Glynn – reimbursement for printer ink £20.99
ALCA – New Clerks Course and Clerks Workshop
(2010, invoice only recently submitted) £55.00
Wrington Dickensian Christmas Fayre
– Christmas Tree and associated costs £168.16

Prism – A4 copier paper £81.36
Fountains – dog bins £64.63
CPRE – membership £29.00
AON – additional insurance for bus shelters and art pieces £60.42
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for January £108.00
Clerk’s salary February – to be calculated
Admin assistant salary February – to be calculated
Admin assistant – reimbursement for postage £3.84
Admin assistant – reimbursement for light bulbs £3.05

c. District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Yamanaka reported that North Somerset Council had adopted their budget and there would be no increase in Council tax due to the Government grant provided.

Tone Leisure will be taking over Churchill sports centre from April and will be building two separate entrances to the centre, one for the school and the other for other users.

d. NE Ward Report: this was received. Cllr Turton informed Members that the new scheme for the airport drop-off car park would be going ahead, allowing only ten minutes in the drop off/pick up car park.

Cllr Turton reported that the airport had previously talked about offering concessionary restricted parking for local residents using the shops.
Resolved: to push for concessionary passes for Wrington Parish residents living near the airport.
Action: Christine Turton to email the Clerk with suggestions for a letter to be sent to Mike Middleton, Bristol International Airport.

e. WVMP Report: this was received. Members questioned the nomination of Jan Murray for the Rurals group as their own terms of reference do not allow someone to be nominated.

Cllr Robinson wished to raise the question of how patients will be kept informed of developments now the PPP is defunct.
Resolved: To write to WVMP on this matter.
Action: Cllr Robinson to draft a letter for the Chair review and sign.

7. Working Groups

a. Finance: No finance meeting had taken place this month.

b. Environment: Cllr Bigg circulated the environment report. Cllr Bigg raised the issue of the flooding in Nates lane.
Resolved: to discuss the possibility of putting ditches on the land near Nates Lane at the next environment meeting on 5th April.

c. Highways: A report had been circulated previously. Members viewed the design of the proposed Twinning sign and discussed the positioning of the signs.
Resolved: To change lès to Lès in the sign. To confirm exact positioning of the signs as Havyatt Road, Westhay Road, Long Lane and Butts Batch.
Action: Clerk to ask NSC to provide signs incorporating Wrington and Twinned with Villeneuve-Lès-Béziers where replacement signs are needed already in Butts Batch and Havyatt Road. Clerk to enquire if this would be possible. To add attachment signs under the existing Wrington signs in Long Lane and Westhay Road.

Members discussed the poor quality of the patching work on potholes being filled in the Parish and were concerned that the material placed in the pothole would be washed away in a relatively short time.

The Clerk reported that the Slow signs on Downside Lane and the ghost pavement on Silver Street had still not been repainted, despite repeated requests to the Area Officer and the sign department in NSC.
Action: The Clerk to contact Mark McGregor on these issues. To send a Council representative to the next Parish Voice on April 6th regarding these issues.

The Clerk reported that training days for Speedwatch were soon going to be set up so details needed to be confirmed on who would be volunteering and exactly where all of the locations would be.
Resolved: To check all of the previously named volunteers are still willing to participate.
Action: Cllr Ledbury to contact Mike Hunt and Donna Robinson. The Clerk to check with the Police where the speedwatch spot would be on Downside Road.

8. Allotment Security

The Clerk read out emails from Barrie Taylor and and Phil Balmond from the Allotment Association with their suggestions for improving the allotment security. The Clerk informed Members of the ideas the Police had offered on the possibility of putting a second gate nearer the main road and adding boulders to mark out a pull-in area.
Resolved: To accept Barrie Taylors’s suggestion of repairing or replacing the gate and re-hang it so it pulls outwards into the car park.
Action: Clerk to arrange repairs. Cllr Ledbury to have a look at the site, with Barrie Taylor if possible and report back on any further ideas or suggestions.

9. Playbuilder scheme update

The Clerk reported that NSC should be supplying a plan of a possible layout for the zip wire and basket swing soon. One idea had been to position the zip wire alongside the tennis courts but that would need further discussion.

10. Annual Parish Meeting

Possible topics for the meeting were discussed. John Adams from the Twinning Society had already confirmed he would give a talk at the meeting.
Action: Cllr Bigg to invite a representative from the PCT to talk about Community wards. Clerk to ask Tony Moore or a suitable representative to talk about the play builder scheme.

11. Open Forum

Cllr Rawlins reported that all but one of the streetlights in Ladywell were out.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 10pm.

Echo Irving