Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 24th November, 2010


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr J. Rawlins
P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk
Mrs G. Moss
Tony More, NSC

In attendance: Mr John Adams, Mrs Judith Kinsman, PCSO Yvette Jordan
1 The Chair reported that a letter of resignation from the Council had been received from Fred Cowgill

2. Cllr Bigg declared an interest concerning the WVMP agenda item as Chair of LINK.

3. Public Participation

John Adams from the Twinning Committee informed Members that the Committee would now be constituted as the Wrington - Villeneuve-lès-Béziers Twinning Association and would be open for membership. The main aims of the Association would be:

1) to establish a budget with income generated from public funding, sponsorship and grants.

2) Promote Commercial engagement by visiting other organisations etc on invitation to talk about Twinning.

3) Support individual projects, for example, school, sports clubs etc.

A copy of the Constitution had been previously circulated to Members.

Judith Kinsman from the Twinning Association also addressed the Council about the need for the Association to produce a brochure for the Wrington area. The brochures publicising Villeneuve-lès-Béziers were good quality and attractive and the Twinning Committee felt that they would like to produce an A3 folded leaflet with a French Language insert. Judith Kinsman anticipated that various local business would wish to be involved with this which would offset some of the cost, but the Twinning Association would like to request help from the Parish Council for the funding of the leaflet. Cllr Bigg informed Judith Kinsman of the existence of a Wrington footpath map.

Resolved: To draw money for the leaflet from the £350 originally set aside for Twinning and to add to this the remaining balance of £53.76 from the £500 airport grant, bringing the total to £403.76.

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th October were reviewed and signed as a true record after 3 minor amendments were made: to change from 'lowering the bus shelter a few inches' to 'centimetres' under correspondence d). Another correction was made on the finance report, the correct amount reimbursed to Cllr Irving was in fact £266.60 not £367.98.

5. Correspondence

1) Email from James Beyer re. Application for Village Green status for Wrington Glebe Field. The Chair informed Members that the lease on the Glebe field from the Diocese of Bath and Wells is due to end in 2011. Members agreed that negotiations would need to start very soon for renewing the lease.

Resolved: The Clerk to respond to James Beyer explaining that the Parish Council are soon to start negotiations with the Diocese to renew the lease and so are not currently in a position to take a lead in this issue. The Parish Council would appreciate being kept updated by James Beyer on any developments.

2) Reply from David Marsh re. Bus Shelter, with his decision not to request that the shelter be lowered. Resolved: To write a short letter of thanks, signed by Cllr Irving.

3) Letter from the Wrington Friendship Club requesting a donation to help fund their Christmas Lunch.
Resolved: To donate £60 towards the lunch, the same amount as last year.

4) Request from Wrington Primary School PTA for permission to serve alcohol in Wrington Memorial Hall, 24th January, 2011. Permission granted.

5) Request from Mendip Morris Men for permission to consume alcohol in Wrington Memorial Hall on 17th December. Permission granted.

6. Reports

a. Police report: a report was circulated and reviewed. PCSO Jordan reported that herself and colleagues were keeping a vigilant eye out on the allotments and had increased their patrols of the area since the recent spate of vandalism.

b. Clerk’s Report: this was received. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

Members discussed the report and felt that the following issues needed to be dealt with as a matter of urgency:

Resolved: Clerk to contact the Area Officer and Parish Liaison Officer about these issues again.

Financial Report and accounts for October (circulated previously): these were received. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

The following accounts for payment were approved:

M.F. Clark & Son, hedge and grass cutting for 2010 £2,213.70 inc VAT
British Telecom – phone £156.94 inc VAT
Fiona Burke – reimbursement for Laptop £504.35 inc VAT
Connaught - dog bin emptying £64.63 inc VAT
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – October £108.00
Clerk’s salary October – to be calculated
Admin assistant salary October – to be calculated
Fiona Burke – reimbursement for padlocks (Old Hill barrier & Allotment gate) £31.10

c. District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Yamanaka had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was received.

d. NE Ward Report: Cllr Turton had not written a report this month but informed Members that she had attended the Airport Consultative Committee meeting. The minutes to this would be out soon. Cllr Turton informed Members that the planned air traffic control tower visit had now been postponed until the Spring.

e. WVMP Report: The report was circulated and reviewed. Cllr Robinson reported additionally that the planned meeting between SOS (Save our Surgeries) and the Doctors had not taken place.

7. Working Groups

a. Finance: The Chair reported that the Clerk has been working over the hours a week she was contracted to do. The Clerk had requested that a possible adjustment be made to the contract and/or provision be made to pay additional hours where necessary.

Resolved: To delegate the discussion on the detail of the Clerk's contract to the next Finance Group meeting.

b. Environment: Cllr Bigg informed Members that Tom Toogood and colleagues from the Environment Agency had agreed to attend the next Environment meeting on 14th December, 4pm. John Inman would be attending the Environment meeting set for January 11th, 4pm.

c. Highways: No meeting had taken place this month but one was planned for Tuesday 30th November.

8. Consultations

a. Town and Parish Council consultation on Parish Liaison Officers (PLO) and Area Officers (AO) 2010. Resolved: Clerk to complete and submit the questionnaire for this Consultation.

9. Open Forum

The Chair invited Cllrs to drop in to the Parish Office on Wednesday 15th December between 10am – 12 midday for Mince Pies and Coffee.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.27pm.

Echo Irving