Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 25th August, 2010


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk
Mr M. Berkley
Mr F. Cowgill
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss

In attendance:
2. Cllr Bigg declared an interest concerning the WVMP agenda item as she is Chair of LINK.

3. Public Participation
There was none.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 28th July, 2010
The minutes were reviewed and signed as a true record.

5. Correspondence

a) Village of the Year Competition 2010: The Clerk read out a letter received from Campaign to Protect Rural England confirming that Wrington had been chosen as a District winner for Large village. Members were very pleased at this news. It was agreed to request the presentation of the prize to take place in the December Parish Council meeting. It was agreed to ask about the reasons why Wrington did not win in the overall category for Large villages, as an aid for us to improve the village further and maintain standards. The Chair wished to acknowledge the ground work done in previous years by Jeremy Birkett. It was agreed to write to inform him of the win and to thank him for his previous involvement.

b) Wicksteed Playscapes re: ‘Save our Playgrounds’ Campaign: This was noted.

c)South West Regional Development Agency re: Community and Social Enterprise Funding Programme: Members considered this an interesting possibility for raising funds towards the Memorial Hall kitchen and also towards new playground equipment, although this would require two separate bids. It was agreed that the Clerk should try and make a start at completing the preliminary stages of applying for the funding. It was agreed that the matter should be raised at the next Rec and Memorial Hall Committee meeting also

d) Winford Parish Council re: Proposed scheme for junction improvement: the proposed scheme was circulated among Members. Members discussed the proposal and would be happy to support the proposal, although there were concerns that it would be considerably more expensive to put in place and would also involve a change in conditions. It was agreed that Cllr Turton would ring Pete Longden of Winford Parish Council to ask how they are going to progress with the proposal and to point out the change in conditions. It was agreed the Clerk would then write to Frank Cox of NSC supporting Winford.

e) Letter from NSC re: ‘Dog fouling training’: this was noted. It was agreed to write back to North Somerset Council on this issue expressing our concern about dog fouling on the ‘Rec’ and that we would welcome a call from an Enforcement Officer to discuss timings of a visit.

f) Community Wildlife Grant: Members discussed applying for the grant for the Old Quarry. It was agreed Cllr Bigg would contact Andy Tandy from the Goblin Combe Centre on the possibility of getting assistance from them on this, bearing in mind past discussions. Cllr Robinson agreed to ask the School for any suggestions they may have on what may be needed in the Quarry.

g) Notice of road closure of A38, Lulsgate Bottom - drainage and carriageway resurfacing: this was noted.

6. Reports

a) Police Report

A police report was circulated. As again there were no reported incidents at Bristol airport this month it was agreed to check this once more with PC Taachi. As there had not been a Police presence at a Parish Council meeting for a few months now, it was agreed the Clerk would request again that PCSO Yvette Jordan, PC Taachi or another representative from the Police attend next month’s Parish Council meeting.

b) Clerk’s report

This had been received previously. The current damage to Old Hill barrier was discussed. It was agreed to refer this to Police Officer Kim Taachi and to request that he investigates the Brockley Combe access end also. A Member pointed out that the Brockley Combe barrier had not yet been installed. It was agreed the Clerk would investigate why this is still the case.

c) Finance Report

The following payments were approved.

Gavin Hunt – repairs to Church Walk Play area £162.80
Mazars – External Audit £470.00
Portrayal - photocopies £14.41
Scott Arrowsmith - flowers £20.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly July £108.00
Clerks’ salaries - August – to be calculated
SLCC Membership – Clerk £128

d) District Councillor’s Report

The report had been received previously. Cllr Yamanaka reported that there were still ongoing problems with the new recycling scheme in some areas.

e) NE Ward Report

The report had been received previously. Cllr Turton reminded Councillors of the meeting with Bristol Airport on the 6th September at 5pm. It was agreed Cllr Turton would circulate an initial agenda for comment. Cllr Turton requested that relevant information relating to the Downside area be sent to her before the 20th of the month, as that is the deadline date for her monthly newsletter.

f) Wrington Vale Medical Practice

The report had been received previously. Cllr Irving informed members that work was still continuing on the PCT letter due to differing opinions on certain parts of it. It would hopefully be sent out in the next few days.

7. Working Group Reports

a) Finance Report

There had been no meeting since the last Parish Council meeting.

b) Environment

The report had been received previously. In relation to the Brook House development, Cllr Bigg confirmed that the North Somerset Council drainage engineer, John Inman had not seen the plans for this and had been unable to get a response on the current situation. It was agreed to notify John Inman if any work was seen to have started there.

c) Highways

The report had been received previously. A Member raised the issue of the location of the raised curb at the bus stop in Broad Street and whether in fact it was necessary for it to be moved more towards Silver Street, as had been previously agreed. It was agreed the Clerk would check this.

8. Rickyard Road - £13,000 grant use

It was agreed that the money would be used for a new ‘maxi-play’ unit in Church Walk. The Clerk would look at quotes for this.

9. Twinning with Villeneuve-les-Béziers: update

Cllr Irving reported that a visit from the three people representing Villeneuve-les-Beziers- M. Jean-Paul Galonnier (the Mayor); M. Laurent Barsalou, in charge of communication and political liaison; Madame Elena Cros, Deputy Mayor in charge of Tourism-.had now been arranged for October 9th – 11th. A reception and small ceremony had been arranged to take place on Sunday, 10th October, 4-6pm in the Memorial Hall.

As the visit would incur some expenses in the form of meals for the three visitors and banners and flags for the event, it was agreed in principle to use funds from Section 137 to do this.

10. Consultations

a) Joint Waste Core Strategy: update. This was noted.

b) North Somerset Council Core Strategy update: This was noted.

c) Licensing Act 2003, Consultation on Statement of Licensing Policy

The Document was circulated, Cllr Glynn and Cllr Yamanaka agreed to look at this.

11. Open Forum

Cllr Robinson asked for the potholes in the Triangle to be reported.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 10.10pm.

Echo Irving