Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Tuesday, 21st August, 2007

Ms E P Irving
Mrs J Gallop
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr P Ellis
Mr D W Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs S.L Dunn Morua
Mr G A Matthews,
Mrs C A Phillips,
Mr R L Thorn,
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mrs G Wilson

In attendance:
Apologies: Mrs G Moss, Mr M Berkley
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.55 pm.

Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Gallop declared an interest in the item on Wrington Sports & Social Club.

Public Participation


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th July were adopted and signed. It was noted that the Minutes of the informal meeting held on 15th August had been circulated.

Computer System

The current software system, provided and serviced by Andrew Yearsley, can only continue to be available after 31st August upon payment to Andrew of £1000, with £250 per annum maintenance fee. After discussion, it was agreed that it would be preferable to obtain a system that would provide more useful financial information, and that would have a more readily available support service.

It was agreed that the system available from RBS Software should be assessed, and that Andrew Yearsley should be approached to ask for an additional month to assess the existing system. It was also agreed that a demonstration of the RBS system should be arranged, and if this seemed suitable, and the cost is not substantially above the cost of the existing system, that the Chair, Vice-Chair and Cllr Matthews be authorised to go ahead and purchase it. In the meantime, the Chair is to write to Andrew Yearsley to request an extension of the present agreement.

Brook House Enquiry – Wrington Residents Group

A request has been received from John Rubidge of WRG for a financial contribution from the Parish Council towards WRG’s costs at the Brook House Enquiry. Cllr Irving suggested a donation of £120, which equated to the quote for a public address system that Cllr Glynn had obtained from GC Sound & Light. Cllr Yamanaka suggested that it should be stressed that this was the reason for the amount of the donation. Cllr Yamanaka proposed and Cllr Phillips seconded that a donation of £120 should be made, and this was agreed.

Wrington Sports & Social Club – sub-letting of bar

Cllr Irving re-capped on the discussion held at the previous meeting, and what had been proposed with regard to the Licence to Trade and the lease. Cllr Irving asked Cllr Glynn to review the Licence to Trade and comment on any aspects of concern. The main point was that the WSSC could not do anything without the agreement of the Parish Council as landlord.

Cllr Gallop said that two of the directors of the WSSC were due to see Francis Montagu of Bennetts on the following Thursday. Cllr Phillips asked whether the members of the various sports clubs were aware of the proposal. Cllr Gallop explained that all members will be informed of the situation when a renewal letter is sent out in December.

Cllr Irving said that it was important that the proposed franchise arrangement did not encroach on the other sports clubs’ use of the facilities. Cllr Thorn proposed that a solicitor be consulted on the appropriate amendment to the wording of the lease, and if the Council is satisfied with this, then the sub-letting should go ahead. This was agreed. Cllr Irving is to write to Francis Montagu to arrange a meeting.


Cllr Yamanaka explained the issue regarding the cost of street lighting and the system of payment for this, in that Wrington residents pay for street lighting through the parish precept and also through the council tax for lighting in other areas. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Director of Finance at NSC to raise this matter.

Working Groups

It was pointed out that a Chair is still required for the Highways working group. Cllr Matthews volunteered to chair the first meeting in order to get the group started, and will try to prioritise important issues for discussion.

Cllr Irving said that if the groups are to work as planned they should meet every month, but some members felt that this would not always be necessary. Cllr Thorn proposed that each group should determine what their priorities should be, and the frequency of meetings. This was agreed.

Open Forum

Cllr Irving stated that Wrington had scored 80% in the Village of the Year competition, and that there would be a need to involve more people if we are to do better next year.

Cllr Bigg reported a recent incident with a car speeding through the village and colliding with a sign at the corner of Broad Street and Station Road. This was an extremely dangerous incident and she has been in contact with PC Tacchi.

Cllr Dunn Morua commented about the rather untidy state of the car park at The Glebe. It was agreed that this should be referred to the Environment working group.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 7.50 pm.

Ms E P Irving