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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Friday, 21st July, 2006
The Chairman opened the meeting at 19.30 hours. Declarations of Members Interests - None declared on known agenda items. 1) Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel. Minutes of a meeting held 1st June were circulated for reading with reference to the Practice Patient Partnership and related matters. Cllr Yamanaka advised that members of the public are normally able to speak at Scrutiny Panel meetings. 2) Wrington Allotment Association. Letter from Alvis Bros read to the meeting, with the comment on electric fencing noted. The point was made that there are no RoWs in the vicinity of the allotments and, therefore, it wouldn’t be expected that any paths might be obstructed by fencing. The Clerk has written thanking Mr Alvis for his offer of manure. 3) ROSPA report on the play areas. Highlights of this generally favourable report were read to the meeting. A copy has been passed to the maintenance person who will take forward as necessary. Main concern is the slide in the Recreation Area where there is some corrosion under the top step and support members. 4) Standards Committee. The meeting scheduled for 27th July was cancelled due to a lack of business. It was mentioned that the application for councillor dispensation in relation to Brook House had apparently not yet been considered. 5) Parish Plan Officer. NSC has appointed Ms Fay McIntyre to the post of Parish Plan Officer. This appointment and her intention to visit all NS parishes were noted. 6) Local Access Forum. Minutes of meeting held 25th April had been received and are available for reading. 7) Single Plan for Children & Young People 2006-09. Executive summary report received of this strategic plan which addresses policy and issues affecting residents from birth to 19 years, with full details available on NSC’s website. Cllr Irving undertook to assess the summary report. 8) Register of Electors - Annual Canvass 2006. A request from NSC for assistance with this exercise had been received. The Clerk to advertise details appropriately. 9) NSC training courses. Availability noted, with comment that the courses were all taking place in the next two weeks. 10) Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (LASF). NSC has advised that a further sum of £40k has been allocated for the year 2006/7, inviting applications for project funding in the parishes concerned. Acknowledging the need to demonstrate both environmental and community benefits in any qualifying project, it was agreed that an appropriate application should be prepared relating to the footpaths survey project. Cllr Bigg to prepare a draft for circulation, bearing in mind that applications need to be submitted by Friday, 28th July. 10) Publications; NS Life July edition, Countryside Voice, Clerk & Councils Direct (July), Local Councils Update (July). 1) Ropers Lane obstructions - In response to complaints raised by Yeomans Orchard residents about vehicles blocking Ropers Lane, Cllr Thorn asked PC Tacchi to comment on what could be done to prevent obstruction by contractor vehicles. PC Tacchi suggested a ‘measured approach’, balancing the needs of those undertaking development with the rights of other residents. He confirmed that action can be taken if access to a drive/entrance is obstructed and that formal approval from NSC is required for any closure of a road. He agreed to view the location and activities while encouraging residents to report any obstructions. 2) Downside Road - Parish Voice event. Details were read from a letter received from Highways dated 12th July concerning the various issues raised at the South Area meeting in February. Comment was made that the response was generally disappointing. Cllr Yamanaka suggested that space and funding for a bus refuge near to Hyatts Wood road should be available and asked that this matter be raised again. The Clerk to take forward. Cllr Atkins commented that the school bus regularly waits on the road close to the Cooks Bridle Path junction, creating a potential hazard. The Traffic sub-committee are to revisit all Downside Road issues. 3) High Street - ‘advisory walkway’. A drawing of a suggested pedestrian area road marking had been received from Highways. It was agreed that the proposal should be referred to the Traffic sub-committee for assessment. Cllr Yamanaka asked about the status of the similar proposal adjacent to Wrington Motors and Cllr Glynn reported that it had been emphasised to NSC that this should be prioritised. 4) ‘Shared Space’. A full report on Mr Parker’s proposal had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that this concept should be considered further by the Traffic sub-committee and that Mr Parker be invited to present his ideas to a future sub-committee meeting, with invitations to be extended to all councillors. 5) Letter received from NSC concerning roadside interview surveys (RSI). Cllr Glynn reported that these had been completed, with the HGV RSIs undertaken 13th July, the A370/A38 surveys earlier in the month. 6) Grit bins. NSC has advised that grit bags will no longer be provided for winter maintenance of rural roads, being replaced by permanent yellow plastic bins. Following discussion about whether or not yellow bins are appropriate, it was agreed the Clerk should respond based on previous experiences. Police 1) PC Tacchi reported on 13 recorded crimes in the period 17th June - 15th July, with 3 of these again reported from the Havyatt industrial estate. To combat crime in this area, the police have installed a CCTV unit. A suspect has recently been arrested in relation to crimes on the site, with evidence now being collected. It was mentioned that Travis Perkins now has its own CCTV system. 2) Recreation Ground - vehicle seen on the Rec field. Police officers en-route to the industrial estates at 02.09am, 2nd July, found two people in a car driving around the grassed area, although there appeared to be no damage to the cricket square or other facilities. The driver has since been visited by PC Tacchi and the cricket club informed. The Chairman recommended that the final user should be urged to always close the gates when he/she leaves. 3) Licensed Premises - PC Tacchi commented on a letter received from the licensee of the Golden Lion, copied to the Council, referring to the change of licensee at The Plough. It was reported that the two public houses had agreed to act together. PC Tacchi mentioned the successful ‘Pubwatch’ scheme introduced earlier this year in Congresbury, Yatton and Claverham, in which licensees work with each other. He suggested that landlords could benefit from cooperation on a range of issues, mentioning that the recent change to the Licensing Act now provides for better control of licensed premises. PC Tacchi undertook to review the terms of the licence for Buglers in response to a request from Cllr Bigg. Cllr Atkins commented on mention in the crime report of the Airport Tavern. PC Tacchi reported that officers would visit these premises to monitor activities. 4) The Forge - Cllr Yamanaka mentioned that cars appear to be parked on the footway adjacent to The Forge with ‘For Sale’ signs clearly on display, suggesting that this might be unlawful. PC Tacchi agreed to view the location and report back to the Council. 5) Mobile phones - Cllr Bigg commented on an increasing number of drivers seen using mobile phones locally. PC Tacchi undertook to review this issue. Cllr Glynn reported a contractor suggestion that the West Hay Rd lights appear not have been separated. These lights are currently out of action. The Clerk is aware. As the books are with the Auditor no income/expenditure report was available for the previous month. No requests reported. 1) ‘Rethink’ campaign - Copies of a ‘Rethink’ leaflet had been circulated prior to the meeting. Following discussion about this leaflet and a letter received from the PCAA, it was agreed that Cllr Bigg should draft an appropriate letter of support to reflect specific parish issues. 2) Airspace control arrangements, Bristol and Cardiff airports - It was reported that a letter had been received from the CAA advising that the revised arrangements have been approved. These will be introduced with effect from 31st August. Mention was made that BIA predicted potential benefits to residents through more direct local control of aircraft routing and glide paths, although this will need to be reviewed at a later date. 3) Consultative Committee meeting 26th July - No major issues appear on the agenda, with there being no reference to the Master Plan. Cllr Atkins is attending. 4) Environmental Effects - Cllr Atkins reported on the meeting held 12th July, commenting on reports of kerosene odour and confirmation by NSC that emissions levels were excessive. Other points included complaints about water pollution, the future possibility of a piped aviation fuel supply, off-site parking activity, preservation of WW2 artefacts and an update on noise complaints, which were reduced by 18% in the first half of the year, compared with 2005. No meeting to report. Cllr Glynn commented on the July newsletter. Cllr Bigg commented on the project status and asked for assistance with drafting the Action Plan. Cllr Irving agreed to help. It was mentioned that the Blagdon Plan is considered to be the model to follow. As a follow-up to the recent briefing session attended by the Clerk and Cllr Irving NSC has written summarising the views expressed at this and other sessions, asking for comments as to how best to take this issue forward. While noting that the Act provides powers for local councils relating to litter, graffiti, fly posting and dog control, there was a general feeling that the practical difficulties associated with implementation would limit what might be done in the parish. It was agreed that the Clerk should complete and return the questionnaire enclosed with the letter, bearing in mind his experiences of both the briefing and local issues. The Council had been advised about the West Of England Waste Management and Planning Partnership consultation ‘Rubbish or Resource’, which aims to consider the management of waste left after all composting, recycling and other reduction measures. Councillors were asked to read and respond personally to the initial questionnaire, with further consultation on more specific options to follow. This consultation exercise is covered in the District Councillor’s report. Cllr Yamanaka advised that the four unitary authorities are working together to minimise landfill since there are severe cost implications if future limits are exceeded. The aim is to have a plan in place by 2008/09. Cllr Bigg suggested that NSC should press the Government and producers to ensure that excess packaging is minimised at source. The Chairman recommended that NSC consider a requirement for waste backfilling as a condition of any permission for local quarrying works. Cllr Yamanaka commented on issues raised by her pre-meeting report, these relating to the political balance within NSC, garden waste collections, the West of England Waste Strategy (see above) and the Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study (GBSTS). Following some discussion about the potential local issues raised by the GBSTS report and related correspondence, particularly NSC’s role, it was agreed that Cllrs Bigg, Glynn and Matthews should consider and make recommendations on the Council’s response. 1) Cllr Irving commented on the overgrown state of the footpath by the Cottages. The Clerk to take forward. It was noted that the condition of all parish paths would be reported in the RoW survey project. 2) Cllr Bigg raised the subject of Local Area Agreements and their potential role. Area Agreements set out details of policies and priority actions agreed between Government and the local authority/strategic partnership and should involve consultation with local councils. 3) Councillors unanimously agreed to extend their sympathies to the Clerk in relation to his current unfortunate circumstances. The Chairman will send a card on behalf of the Council. Mr T R Clements Chairman |