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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 20th June, 2006
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. The Chairman congratulated Cllr. Thorn on his award of an MBE. Declaration of Members Interests Nil on known agenda items. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th May 2006 were adopted with one amendment under Highways item 8 remove “through a National scheme” and add “funding possibilities to be investigated”. Clerk’s Report. 1) Confidential Waste- no further forward and it was agreed that this could be deleted. 2) Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Minutes of meeting held 16th May available. 3) Standards Committee- Minutes of the Meeting held 6th April. The Meeting scheduled for 8th June was cancelled as no independent members were able to attend. 4) Charter 88- Community Decline & Charter 88’s campaign for a modern democracy- asking for support in relation to the Sustainable Communities Bill. The Clerk was directed to write in support of the suggestion. 5) NSC Climate Change event- Saturday 8th July 10am- 4pm at the Winter Gardens. It was mentioned that BIA is providing some of the funding for the event despite the fact the “stop Bristol Airport” group will be in attendance. Cllr. Glynn mentioned that he had asked NSC a direct question regarding climate change and was told that there was no apparent policy in place. Cllr. Yamanaka did say that in many parts of NSC low energy light bulbs and other measures in place. 6) CPRE AGM 24th June at The Folk Hall, Portishead at 2.30pm 7) Wrington Allotment Association. Letter of complaint re Alvis Bros. adjoining field and the state of the fences. Livestock have damaged allotments. The Council agreed that a letter in support of allotment holders should be forwarded to the landowner. 8) BIA and illegal immigrants. Response from Chris Ware stating that all foreign nationals are checked regarding employment history and convictions. Random checks also take place. 9) John Locke bust. The town of Wetzlar seeking the PC’s assistance with regard to their bicentennial year by having a copy of the bust held made in cement. The Clerk suggested that as a gesture the Council could get a copy made and donate it to Wetzlar. Cllr. Thorn to make inquiries locally to see if there is anyone available to make a copy of the bust and then the Clerk to ascertain cost. 10) Publications- Brue, Axe & North Somerset Streams Catchment Abstraction Management Document, Local Council update June edition,, Fieldwork June edition, Community Action 11) DE Matters- June edition. Tackling climate change. 12) Churchill Community School Community and Parent Forum- Tuesday 27th June from 7.00-9.00pm. Clashes with a Planning Meeting and no one available to attend. 13) Wrington School celebrating 150th anniversary on Friday 23rd June and an open invitation given to the Parish Council. On another theme a question was asked about available spaces at Wrington School as some of the objections relating to the Brook House planning application indicated that the School was full. Cllr. Yamanaka indicated that forward projections indicated a fall in numbers. The rumour was probably due to late applications by parishioners for places and these having already been allocated to children outside of the Wrington. 2) - letters regarding traffic calming remain on the table for action by the sub-committee. These are from Sustain and Mrs. K MacDonald. 3) - letter from Mr. Parker on a new highways concept of shared space, together with a letter of support from Mr. Neve. It was agreed that Mr. Parker should be invited to a meeting to explain the background to this. 4) - Perceived speeding was raised and in particular with relation to Gatcombe Farm and the current use as alternative airport car parking. It was reported that a post office van had been written off following an accident in Chapel Hill related to the car parking activity.
Payments made from grant on behalf of the Wrington Memorial & recreation Field Committee Nil - Mr. Littleton has agreed to a meeting. The sub-committee to formalise and then obtain dates. - Dragonflyer- to date only 8 members signed up. - Cllr. Glynn reported that he had attended 2 meetings with the PCAA on transport and general issues. - “Rethink” newsletter which was reviewing the government white paper was worthy of consideration and it was agreed that it would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting. - Master Plan consultation- slight delay and now likely to be July/August before next stage. - Air Transport Forum (ALCA) - Cllr. Glynn handed out a report that he had submitted to ALCA North Somerset Group. - Cllr. Bigg attended a meeting on behalf of CPRE at which English Rural Housing Association gave a presentation on “Sustained balanced rural communities”. The message that came across was to make sure that “affordable” stays affordable! Schemes can be for 6-10 properties. - Clerk commented on the June newsletter. - Bye-laws- Cllr. Bigg will provide a comment. District Councillor’s Report as per pre-meeting report which covered the political situation at North Somerset Council, garden waste collections, replacement local plan and the new Yatton library. 2) Traffic lights on the A370 at Congresbury. Congresbury Parish Council has been approached by North Somerset Council to turn off the current control system and then be controlled by camera from Weston-Super-Mare. There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 20.50 hours. Mr. T R Clements Chairman |