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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Friday, 19th May,2006
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. Declaration of Members Interests on known agenda items nil. Annual General Meeting. Election of Chairperson- Proposed by Cllr. Thorn and seconded by Cllr. Moss that Cllr. Clements is re-elected. Passed. Election of Vice-Chairperson. The Clerk made the Meeting aware that Cllr. Irving was prepared to stand. Cllr. Matthews proposed and Cllr. Bigg seconded a proposal that Cllr. Irving be re-elected. Passed. Planning Committee Chairperson- Proposed by Cllr. Bigg and seconded by Cllr. Gallop that Cllr. Glynn be re-elected. Passed. Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee. Proposed by Cllr. Thorn and seconded by Cllr. Matthews that the existing committee is re-elected en-bloc. Appointments to other bodies. 1) NALC- North Somerset Group. It was agreed that this would be left open and that any Councillor could attend a Meeting and represent the Parish Council. 2) Bristol Airport Consultative Committee- Cllr. Atkins re-elected unopposed. 3) Parish Councils Airport Association- Cllr. Glynn elected unopposed. 4) Tree Warden- Mrs. D Judd re-elected unopposed. 5) Wrington Parish Charities. Mr. M M Collins role as a trustee due for renewal. No other nomination and re-elected. 6) School Travel Plan- new role to liaise between the school and the Council in driving it forward. Cllr. Bigg had attended the inaugural meeting and agreed to act as co-ordinator. Passed. 7) Wildlife Warden- no longer a Council role. Lighting- to be Cllrs. Glynn, Matthews, Irving and Clements. Traffic & Highways (formerly Traffic Calming). Cllrs. Glynn, Matthews and Irving. BIA (New committee) Cllrs. Atkins, Bigg, Matthews and Glynn proposed by Cllr. Gallop and seconded by Cllr. Phillips. Passed. 2) Clean Neighbourhood & Environment Act 2005- a parish council guide to environmental enforcement- publication now received. Having attended a seminar organised by NSC it is clear that until training has been received that involvement in the Act will be precluded. NSC is working on getting personnel accredited so that training can be given. In due course they are hopeful that from existing resources some 40 field personnel will be in place. They will be looking to work in partnership with interested Parish Councils. 3) North Somerset Childcare Information Service-a means of accessing childcare provision throughout North Somerset- website www.childcarelink.gov.uk. Also there are plans for Children’s Centres Development and by 2008 there will be 11 in North Somerset. Wrington is in phase 2 and has been linked with Congresbury and Yatton. Each centre will have a local partnership group to help in its establishment and operation- there will be further updates as matters progress. 4) BIA Byelaws- acknowledgement from Department of Transport of receipt of the Council’s letter on this matter. 5) Local Access Forum- seeking applications for members. Applications to Richard Phillips at NSC by 2nd June. 6) Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Next meeting 16th May at 15.00 hours at the Healthy Living Centre, 68 Lonsdale Ave. W-S-M. Extra meeting scheduled for 1st June at 15.00 hours at the Town Hall. Minutes of meeting held 5th April available. 7) DE matters May 2006. Covers: - North Somerset Replacement Local Plan, Regional Spatial Strategy, Joint Local Transport Plan, Economic Development and Regeneration Summit, Libraries Improvement Plan update, update on green garden waste collections, Memorial inspections and the Cleaner Neighbourhood & Environment Act. 8) Late availability of courses from 8th May to 26th May. 9) CPRE Open Garden event on 9th July at Tockington Manor- tickets £2 per adult. 10) Publications-Clerk & Councils Direct, NS Life May edition (copies not received in West Hay or Butts Batch- the Clerk to advise NSC), Voluntary Action, Community Action & Local Councils Update-May edition. Cllr. Bigg mentioned that the Volunteer Centre is due to move offices from Oxford Street to the new Badger Centre. 11) Provision of swimming- NSC Central Area. Notes of a Meeting held 21/04/2006. 12) Green garden waste bags- currently out of stock. NSC putting contingency plans in place until new stock of bags available which should be towards the end of June. 13) Licensing- details of applications received from March 2006. 1) Joint Local Transport Plan- copy received which covers the period 2006-2011. The document was approved by the four local authorities in March and was submitted to the Department of Transport on 31st March. 2) Traffic signals on A370 at Congresbury. The Clerk read out the contents of a response that NSC made to Mr. M Smythe following a letter of complaint. 3) Letter received from Mrs. K MacDonald regarding road safety issues in Wrington and this to be passed on to Traffic and Highways sub-committee. 4) Westward Close car parking. Letters received from Hawker & Palmer and Sustain in response to the Council’s request to consider residents access issues. The former are asking visitors to their offices to park elsewhere. Sustain would wish to be involved in driving forward transport issues. 5) Parish voice issue re Downside Road. M Schneider of NSC acknowledges that he hasn’t kept the Council updated with these issues due to pressure of work and has indicated that an update will be forthcoming soon. 6) Traffic calming in general- a request for a further meeting with NSC has been submitted. 7) Access roads and speed limits. Malcolm Price of Police Traffic Control has agreed to look again at this matter. 8) BIA and Airport Transport Forum. Possibility of a Community Bus link to the A370. Very early days but it may be funded. Funding possibilities to be investigated. The Clerk read out the contents of a letter received from the licensee of the Golden Lion regarding licence changes in the Village. PC Tacchi took on board and will be taking forward. The key roles for the police are terrorist threats and co-ordinating response to an emergency. Airport watch has been set up- similar to Neighbourhood Watch. On average there are 400 crimes per annum within the Airport and this is likely to grow as the Airport expands. The Airport Watch scheme shares the Crimestoppers telephone number. Until the current report before the Executive of NSC has been signed off then no further action. The sub-committee to then take matters forward.
Payments made from grant on behalf of the Wrington Memorial & recreation Field Committee The Clerk has a copy of the “Draft Master Plan Public Consultation, Consultation Outcomes and Analysis” report. E-mail received covering 3 issues: 1) Youth Bus- carbon emissions found to be unpleasant and the Tennis Club asking if it could be relocated. The Clerk has already spoken with the officers on the Youth Bus and they will move to a different location in the car park. An alternative solution would be for the bus to have access to the power supply in the Pavilion for which the Tennis Club is prepared to pay. A suggestion of an external hook-up with a secure entry system has been suggested. Cllr. Gallop is to approach the WSSC committee. 2) Provision of a 3rd tennis court. With a membership of c90 adults pressure on court time being seen. Only location appears to be near the play area and could result in play equipment having to be moved. This is also in close proximity to private property and when it was mooted as the skateboard park location turned down by NSC. The Council did not consider that there was any suitable space within the Recreation Field to accommodate a third tennis court. 3) Public Play & Pay rates. Not increased since 1994 and the Club wish to increase to £2 for adults (currently £1.50) and £1 for juniors (currently £0.75p). Agreed. The public meeting was reasonably well attended and the Clerk had also received calls offering assistance. Cllr. Glynn is preparing a summary report and general guidance notes of what is being looked for in assessing the footpaths etc. The Clerk will then write to the interested parties so that reports on the state of the footpaths can be made. Cllr. Bigg will provide information taken from the Parish Plan. Cllr. Bigg offered to look at this paper. 2) Church Walk Play Area. Cllr. Bigg mentioned the new gate and a request from a mother with a double buggy to have it altered to allow her free entry. The gate was designed to ensure that people could access but at the same time not allowing access to bikes, motor bikes etc. The gate was installed following a recommendation from ROSPA as the requirement now is that for anti-bullying purposes two access points required. The Clerk is to reply to the parishioner. Mr. T R Clements |