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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday 18 April, 2006
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. Declaration of Members Interests At this juncture the Clerk indicated that following a conversation with Mr. Nicholson, Solicitor for North Somerset Council, the agenda item relating to Commander Lawder’s Estate met with technical issues on the declaration of interest front and that as a result it was being removed from the evening’s business. The Clerk is to make a request for dispensation to discuss the issue and this has to go before the Standards Committee and the next Meeting is set for 6th June. On the subject of making declarations of interest the Clerk read out the contents of a letter from Mr. Nicholson dated 5th April expressing the need to state clearly whether the interest is personal or prejudicial and to explain the existence and nature of that interest. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th March were adopted. 1) Confidential Waste- waiting developments 2) Mail collection on Sundays- complaint received from parishioner that by bringing forward from 11.45 to 09.30 it is difficult to write a letter and catch the post. Response from the Royal Mail to the effect that to meet sorting office schedules they find a need to bring collection times forward. Whilst not a guarantee of delivery the moving of the collection time enhances the eventual delivery service. 3) Publications 4) Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel minutes of the Meeting held 9th February. 5) Standards Committee- minutes of the Meeting held 31st January. 6) Provision for Swimming & leisure facilities- meeting at the Scotch Horn Centre, Nailsea on Thursday 20th April at 7.00 pm. 7) Clean Neighbourhood & Environment Act 2005- a parish council guide to environmental enforcement. New booklet setting out how it works ordered and a training course will be available shortly. 8) Update- NSC publication for North Somerset Councillors- April edition. 9) Development Control Workshop- to be held on 18th May from 09.30 until 12.30 in the New Council Chamber. The Clerk and Cllr. Glynn to attend. Cllr. Glynn indicated that he will want to submit a question on timescales relating to planning applications. 10) Community Action Rural Communities Conference- 27th June 09.15 am to 3.30pm at BAWA, Southmead Road, Filton. Cllrs. Bigg and Irving wish to attend. 11) Bus Services- notification received that normal service is now resumed 12) Local Access Forum- minutes of the Meeting held 31st January now received. Mention made within the minutes of the new draft on “Rights of Way Improvement Plan”. Cllr. Yamanaka maintained that this would be available on the North Somerset website. 13) Active Living in North Somerset Event 26th April from noon-3.30pm at the Campus, Weston-Super-Mare. - Dog bins- the cost of collection has increased to £1 per bin (formerly £0.95p per bin). - Traffic light programming- the Clerk read out the contents of a letter that Mr. Smythe had written to North Somerset Council. In the same letter comments made regarding the poor quality of the recent resurfacing work with loose chippings still creating problems in some areas. The Clerk was directed to ensure that NSC respond to the letter and that the Parish Council obtains a copy. - Lane markings by BIA- the airport will add their weight to try and get the new lane markings on the A38 implemented. - Dragonflyer- meeting at Wrington Sports Pavilion on Wednesday 26th April at 8.00 pm. Posters have been displayed in the Village. The Clerk will attend to posters at Redhill. - Chapel Hill- request for a roadside mirror to enhance visibility. The Department of transport does not support the use of mirrors on highways and NSC adopts this policy. Position could be improved if the road markings were in good order. The Clerk to take forward. - Westward Close- parking proving a problem and it is noted that the water tankers are having difficulty at times in accessing the treatment plant. The problem is being caused by the increase usage of the small industrial units and it was suggested that the Clerk should send a general letter to all users asking for cooperation in seeking alternatives means of getting to work and more considerate parking. There is also the possibility of increasing parking spaces within the curtailage of the premises. - Stone Farm- road adjacent needs repatching. Police In the absence of PC Tacchi the Clerk reported that in the period 7th March to 4th April 5 reported crimes. Lighting- The Clerk advised that he has requested a meeting with NSC and SEC with regard to the upgrading of the street lighting with a view to NSC eventually taking over control. FINANCE REPORT ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL PERIOD to
Budget Actual % Income Expenditure Allotments 200 40.00 20.00 Open Spaces 12000 11753.71 97.95 Highways 1000 381.31 38.13 Street Lighting 7500 7411.04 98.81 Admin Expenses 11600 17677.80 152.39 Grant 20600 20600.00 100.00 Sundries 5400 6825.06 126.39 Other 4956.20 Total 58300 69645.12 Sundries Mobile Youth 2600 5245.00 201.73 Public Conveniences 1600 0.00 0.00 Parish Plan 555.77 Section 137 200 125.00 62.50 Odds and sods 1000 899.29 89.93 Total 5400 6825.06 FINANCE REPORT 18th April 2006
Payments made from grant on behalf of the Wrington Memorial & recreation Field Committee Fountain Forestry £353.90 + VAT Risk assessment. - Play areas- subject to continued review by the Village Orderly but also on an annual basis by ROSPA. Remedial work put in place as required. - Fidelity guarantee- needs to be increased as a minimum to the level of precept- £64,000 and the Clerk will take forward with the Council’s insurers. - Street lighting- maintained and reviewed by Connect South West. Memorial request for alcohol nil Bristol International Airport - Cllr. Glynn had submitted pre-meeting a report on an Environmental Effects Working Group meeting. A move towards more regular meetings with the Airport by the Parish Council is mooted and it was left that Cllr. Glynn would take forward in the first instance. Cllr. Matthews suggested that the Parish Council should be seen to be more proactive on airport related matters and that a sub-committee may be formed to attend to this. ALCA - April newsletter incorporates a paper on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act and indicates that each council needs to 1) carefully assess if there is a real need for the adoption of the new powers- this will involve consultation with the unitary authority as to how adoption of the powers in the Act by them will impact on the local council area and influence the need for the local council to adopt the powers.2) ensure that the whole community and the local electorate support adoption of the powers. The Clerk had mentioned under “Clerk’s Report” that he is waiting for a new guidance book from DEFRA and details of training courses and it is at that point that the Council will need to make a decision. - Letter received from Bitton PC thanking us for supporting their view on decisions by non-elected bodies. However ALCA appear to be in favour of the new process. Annual Parish Meeting Friday 28th April @ 19.30 hours in the Memorial Hall. Initial feedback on the newsletter positive. BIA Byelaws revision 1) Street trading- A38 locations- indications received that officers responsible for the report had made recommendations on site locations by merely driving to the sites. No account taken of potential traffic issues if implemented. 3) Transport Symposium- the point made that Councillors should make themselves aware of the objectives of the North Somerset Partnership Plans. Ms. Erskine mentioned that through ALCA there is a direct link to this as they are represented on the steering group. 4) On a general note it would be helpful if future reports contained details of meetings in the month to come as well as details of meetings already attended. Open Forum 1) Brook House- open meeting being held by Linden Homes on 19th April from 17.30 hours. 2) Cllr. Irving gave positive feedback on the new green bag waste collection from NSC 3) Cllr. Irving commented favourably on how attractive the new memorial garden was looking. Mr. T R Clements |