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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 18th October 2005
The Vice- Chairperson opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th September were adopted with one amendment on page 2 under Highways paragraph 3 for “claming” read “calming”. Clerk’s Report. 1) Bye-law re restricting use of fireworks. As the Parish Council is not getting anywhere with this it was agreed that the matter would be reviewed in the light of this year’s experiences. 2) Local Bus contract service review. This Parish covers services 121, 821 and 822. The Council was in agreement that the services need to be maintained. The only suggestion would be to look at the type of vehicles used particularly in off-peak hours. 3) Local Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund Grants. The Clerk read out the details of the grants that have been awarded for 2005/06 and 2006/07. On the back of an award to NSC from this fund the Public Rights of Way team are purchasing hand tools and petrol strimmers to help volunteers and Parish Councils carry out small clearance work. It was suggested that one of the Village Orderlies should be invited to attend. 4) Mobile Youth Bus- still waiting to hear back from the AYA Director. 5) Youth Café at Weston-Super-Mare- invitation for the Clerk and one guest to attend opening on 26th October between 12.00 pm and 2.00 pm. 6) Blue Skies project. 2005 update available for reading. Also a request from the “Rural Products Group” seeking a donation of between £50 and £100 to assist with the continuation of their work to promote tourism in rural North Somerset and local products crafts and designs. The Council maintained its stance of not supporting by grant/donation this type of request. 7) North Somerset Partnership event to be held on Thursday 10th November at the Winter Gardens. Booking form included in pre-meeting notes. Please hand back at Meeting as deadline 24th October 8) Publications- North Somerset Life September 2005, Local Council Update & Volunteer Centre Autumn edition. Cllr. Bigg mentioned that she was undertaking a project helping Community Groups to network. 9) AGM of “The Environmental Network of North Somerset” to be held on Wednesday 26th October at Weston College. 10) Local Access Forum minutes of Meeting held 12th July and agenda for 19th October. 11) Quartet Community Foundation-details of available grants given. 12) Licensing Act- details of latest round of applications given. 13) Details of courses run by NSC given. 14) Allotment Survey- Clerk is in throes of completing survey for NSC. It was mentioned that there is an apple day at the Walled Garden being organised by “a - Letter from David Parkes regarding the ghost pavements welcoming the installation but asking that limited parking times be considered as currently some vehicles are - Letter from Mrs. Clarke regarding cutting back of trees/hedges to allow safe passage for pedestrians. It was suggested that the Clerk should ring and discuss. - Junction 21-M5 link with the A370. NSC acknowledges the problem and is currently - North Somerset Council Local transport Plan Annual Report- copy now received. - Cllr. Glynn commented on the paper issued pre-meeting giving an indication of the outstanding traffic calming issues as seen by the sub-committee. A meeting with NSC is still to be arranged. - School Travel Plan- Cllr. Glynn mentioned that he has been invited to help the School complete a travel plan. There is a separate budget available for this initiative and implementation of any accepted recommendation would almost certainly take priority. - Ladywell/Alburys footpath- the Clerk commented on the fact that the new gates were in place. There is still an outstanding issue with regard to one of the kissing gates in Church walk and the Clerk is chasing NSC. - Cllr. Thorn asked whether the road markings outside of the school carried were enforceable if breaches occurred. The view was that they are merely cautionary but - PC Tacchi reported that during the period 6th September to 10th October 11 recorded crimes of which 9 related to car incidents at the illegal airport parking sites. - Downside Road will be targeted for speeding with a speed matrix in place and also by use of a speed gun. Cllr. Glynn mentioned that for the purpose of BATS the Parish had its own “traffic count” undertaken and if required the data could be supplied. - Illegal car parking are the car owners insured? Simple answer is “yes”. - School traffic warning lights not working properly and Clerk to report. - Apricot Cottage- the owner still not happy as light still too bright. SEC is to put in a low economy bulb which should help to overcome the problem. - Lychgate Cottage- the owner has agreed to light being installed on the outside of the property and SEC is preparing a survey and quotation for consideration. - Priory House- light nearing the end of its usefulness and SEC preparing a quote to replace. - New street light Silver Street- when installed a “yellow” bulb showing. SEC has admitted that this was in error and will in due course replace. - West Hay- problem with a light continually blowing. Fault lies with the fact that it is the service point for lights which are surrounded by trees. SEC to set up separate service points which should overcome.
Holmleigh Security - alarm system £305.00 + VAT Memorial request for alcohol - The Clerk read out a response from Dr. Liam Fox on the ownership of Airport Consultative Committees. This was in response to a letter seeking an amendment to the Civil Aviation Bill - The Clerk has responded to an invitation to a workshop to be held on 16th November regarding the “Future development of BIA”. He has put his name forward but will step aside if any other Councillor wishes to attend. - Cllr. Bigg declared an interest in her role as Vice-Chair of the CPRE. A letter from the PCAA requesting funding of £50 towards an independent study on “noise critique” and exhibitions organised in Village Halls to follow on from those organised by the BIA on the Master Plan. The PCAA are organising these together with the CPRE and Friends of Earth. Some funding has been forthcoming from a private source and an application to the Manuka Trust has also been submitted. This invoked a lengthy debate and the outcome was that Cllr. Thorn proposed and Cllr. Gallop seconded a motion that: - 1) the Parish Council should not be seen to be supporting a group that has a “one-off” agenda. 2) the exhibition be allowed to take place in the Memorial Hall. Passed 4 in favour and 2 abstentions. - Airspace Change proposal- this has been delayed by the CAA as certain aspects of the supporting documentation impact assessments were lacking in detail. Subject to regulatory consultation and the resolution of outstanding issues it is intended to implement the changes on 16th March 2006. ALCA - The Clerk mentioned that 2 members of NSC Streets and Open Spaces team will be attending the December Parish Council Meeting to update Councillors on the creation of this new department and how it will work. - AGM was not quorate and has been rescheduled for Saturday 19th November. Parish Plan- Cllr. Bigg handed out an update on the Parish Plan. The results will be available at exhibitions set for 4th December at Redhill Village Hall and 5th & 6th December at Wrington Memorial Hall. Cllr. Irving thanked Cllr. Bigg for the considerable effort put into this project. Greater Bristol Transport Study- Cllr. Glynn had issued a paper for Councillors pre-meeting. It was agreed that the Council should respond and Cllr. Bigg informed the Meeting that the deadline was 4th November. All comments to be with the Clerk by 2) Cllr. Bigg raised the issue of the Minutes that appear on the website and wondered whether the pre-meeting papers should form part of the submission. Left on the table for further discussion. 3) Diary of events 2006- NSC will be asking for this shortly and any input would be welcome. 4) Precept- will be set soon and if Councillors have any thoughts on the budget to be set for 2006/07 then please advise the Clerk. 5) Play Area- a short paper on essential work provided and to be discussed at the next Meeting. This has resulted from the last ROSPA report.