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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Friday, 18th November, 2005
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th October were approved with the following amendment: - p 5 line 7 add the word “financially” after the word “supporting”. For the future against the names Ms. Erskine and PC Tacchi the words “in attendance” should precede their names and not include then under the banner “present”. 2) Martin Hicks has agreed to attend the day course being organised by NSC on the use of petrol strimmers etc. 3) Mobile Youth Bus- still waiting to hear back from the AYA Director. Cllr. Matthews will take forward direct with AYA. 4) Youth Café at Weston-Super-Mare- attended the opening day with Cllr. Clements- an interesting concept but really only suitable for town centre locations. It was suggested that the facility should be made known to the youth of the Parish through an entry in the Journal. Clerk to take forward. 5) North Somerset Partnership event Thursday 10th November. Attended this and it gave a good insight into how partnerships work. The workshops were useful and with people/groups represented from all different walks of life and gave a perspective of how others view ongoing issues. 6) Publications- North Somerset Life October 2005, Clerk & Councils Direct 7) Pre-meeting papers- it was agreed that only the agenda should be put on the web site pre-meeting. 8) Details of courses run by NSC given. 9) Housing update and NS Housing Strategy 2004-09 and Affordable Housing delivery Plan 2005/06- 2008/09 10) Library Services- Audit commission report July 2005 and Library Service Improvement Plan 2005-08 (Draft) 11) NHS Primary Care Trust- Consultation event to be held on Tuesday 10th January 11.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Winter Gardens. Details of those who wish to attend have to be advised by 30th November. Cllrs. Clements and Irving to attend. 12) CPRE AGM 26th November at Rangeworthy Village Hall at 11.00am- incorporates the Calor Village of the Year awards. Congresbury were the winners of the North Somerset large village section with Long Ashton being the National Village of the Year nomination. Cllr. Bigg made the comment that from the Parish Plan suggestion made regarding a Village spring clean. When this has been organised and advertised in the past the Council has received little response. 13) Events organiser awareness evening- 7pm- 8.30pm Thursday 24th November at the Winter Gardens. 14) South Area Committee- letter of confirmation that a grant of £3000 available towards the skateboard park. Cllr. Glynn made the comment that if it hadn’t been for Cllr. Yamanaka fighting the case then a sum of £1500 would have been allocated instead of the £3000 now set aside. Cllr. Matthews mentioned that fundraising now at £10.5/11.00k. Cllr. Phillips handed over a cheque for £500 from BIA to help swell the funds. 15) Dickensian Fayre- Friday 9th December. With regard to the future it was suggested that use of the existing trees on the green could be considered instead of obtaining a traditional Xmas tree. Cllr. Glynn said that he would prune the trees on the green and also remove the “bands” that currently adorn the trees. 16) NSC Town and Parish Liaison Officers- new list received. 17) Standards Committee- Minutes of Meeting 8th September and agenda for Meeting to be held on 24th November. Mention was made of the article in the North Somerset Times of a case involving a councillor at Backwell which highlighted the need to the “Register of member’s Interests” up-to-date 18) North Somerset Town & Parish Charter Part 1- reference copy of Charter and an implementation table received. -Orchard Close- a near-by resident has suggested that the existing road sign should be displaying “No through road” should be replaced with a new sign as the current one is considered ineffective due to its location. This to be considered when a new road sign for Orchard Close considered necessary. - The order for double yellow lines on the south side of Broad Street from its junction with the eastern kerb line of Station Road eastwards for 7.5 metres has been issued. - Joint Local Transport Plan 2006-2011. Consultation event to be held on Tuesday 6th December from 10.00 to 12.00. Cllrs. Glynn and Bigg volunteered to attend. - The Dring, High Street. Still waiting for the repair work. The Clerk advised that when he last spoke with NSC it was indicated that the footpaths team did not have a budget for tarmacing surfaces and they were looking into how they can place the work. It had also been intimated that they would be looking for a contribution from the residents. Another issue with the dring is that the drain half way up does not get serviced. The Clerk is to take both matters up with NSC. -Letter received concerning unreasonable parking outside the Untied Reform Church in Ropers Lane. Cllr. Clements has already brought the matter to the attention of the Church. - Cllr. Glynn mentioned that he is still waiting to hear back from Wrington School regarding the formation of a travel plan. The Clerk mentioned that a resident has expressed some concerns over the traffic situation in School Road but was pleased to hear that in conjunction with the School the Council was looking to review. Cllr. Clements mentioned that a ewe has had its throat pulled out and would like to hear from anyone who can help trace the attacker. Safer Communities Strategy 2005-2008- report received. -West Hay Road- to separate the lights in this area which have been the subject of some problems there is cost involved of £175.95. Proposed by Cllr. Irving and seconded by Cllr. Matthews. Passed. - Station Road and Lychgate Cottage. Have submitted details of lantern designs to NSC and waiting for comment back. - Silver Street- the previous orange light has been replaced with a white light. - Branches cross/Old Hill. The light has been out for some time. Not previously reported. Clerk to take forward.
Payments made on behalf of the Memorial Hall & recreation Field Committee 1) Wrington Friendship Club for their Christmas Festivities. Proposed by Cllr. Glynn and seconded by Cllr. Irving that £50 is given. Passed. 2) Neighbourhood Watch District Manager. In the past £75 has been approved. Proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Phillips that the same amount be sent. Passed. 3) North Somerset Citizens Advice Bureau. Request for assistance with the 2006/07 funding. Declined. 4) Age Concern. Request for donation. Refused. Memorial request for alcohol Wrington WI on evening 8th December and Wrington Gardening Club on 15th December with their Xmas Meeting. Passed Cllr. Glynn mentioned that the workshop organised by BIA relating to the Master Plan Consultation was useful. There was a call for all future development to take place on the north side of the Airport. Cllr. Bigg made reference to a NSC Scrutiny Panel she had attended. North Somerset Council pursued the BIA on the parking front. Why did they need the land grab on the south side of the Airport. The response given was that buildings would spoil the landscape and more costly to develop. Cllr. Bigg maintained that the minutes produced from the Scrutiny Panel meeting did not accurately reflect what was discussed. 40% of passengers come under a “meet and greet” banner and the Airport are actively trying to discourage this as they make no money from this. North Somerset Council has requested a further meeting before the end of the Consultation period for the Airport to resubmit their paper on transport and traffic issues. It was generally felt that the Airport was hiding behind the Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study document with regard to road links. Reference made to a document “Economic Impact of BIA” which has been produced by PCAA/CPRE/Friends of the Earth and also a document “Fly Now and Breathe Later”. The Council has set a date of 6th December to hold a meeting solely to discuss the response to the Master Plan. It was stressed that the government has already laid down the strategy and it is how this can be offset which must be focussed on. PCAA- the dates of their exhibitions relating to the Master Plan were given. Also the PCAA have annotated the BIA’s Master Plan summary with their own analysis and comment. The next Consultative Committee Meeting is on 22nd November. The Clerk mentioned that from the ALCA Newsletter (November edition) that specific reference was made to the PCAA and its request for funds toward the campaign relating to the BIA Consultation. If councils had supported this then they may have been acting illegally in that Parish Councils do not have the powers to spend money outside of their parishes. If S137 used then the donation must be commensurate with the benefit received. Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005- consultation document on the website and the Clerk will endeavour to download in order that a response can be considered. National Minimum Wage now £5.05 per hour- to be taken into account as the second village orderly is currently paid £5 per hour. The exhibitions well received with over 300 attending. Cllr. Clements, from the Chair, extended the Council’s thanks for the time and effort put into this. The plan will be available in CD format shortly. Next stage is to review and come forward with an action plan. Cllr. Yamanaka mentioned that she was under the impression that this had to be completed by the year-end. Cllr. Bigg in response said that this was the goal set by Community Action but they have intimated that they are flexible. Additional gate to restrict the threat of bullying but at the same time provide access for double buggies. The Clerk had obtained an estimate of £500 + VAT for a new gate in Church Walk to tie in with the existing iron type gates. It was suggested that the second entrance could be through the paddock area with the new gate being similar to that recently situated on the Alburys/Ladywell footpath. Clerk to look into. Concrete tube- despite extensive discussion with various contractors no satisfactory solution arrived at to reduce the risk of abrasiveness. It was suggested that an approach to Dewey Waters be made. Stepping Logs- a solution to overcome the wood rot at the base may be to enclose in a sleeve. Clerk to obtain an estimate. Recreation Field- possible dog ban. The Council was generally opposed to this although it was accepted that people not adhering to the existing sign “Dogs to be kept on a lead at all times” should be made aware of the requirements. Under the Clean Bill and Neighbourhood Act the Parish Council may have extended powers to enforce. CFMP- Cllr. Glynn asked that any person with experience of flooding, particularly from 1968, should forward brief comments to the Clerk or him in order that it can be built into the response. 2) Budget- announcement of government settlement due first week in December. Next year’s increases in Council tax will then be set but not ratified until January. Planning application 05/P/2628/PDA- Agricultural storage shed at Rydale, Silver Street, Wrington. Building at south side of farm. The reason for it is that it will provide a new feed passage for the cows. Under a new assurance scheme health and safety have said that the current facility is too close to the milking parlour. No adverse comment made. The application relating to Northfield, Old Hill has been withdrawn. Holiday Inn- general comment made as to whether additional trees have been cut down to make this more visible. Open Forum 2) Patient Practice Panel- Cllr. Thorn mentioned that the first AGM of this was due in April and to generate interest for this and the Annual Parish Meeting was suggesting a joint meeting with the Patient Practice AGM following on from the Annual Parish meeting. All the doctors at the practice would be in attendance. The Council accepted the concept and Clerk to diarise. Mr. T R Clements The meeting reconvened to discuss the item Clerk’s Pay and Conditions. |