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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Friday 15th July 2005
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st Juney were adopted with one amendment under under Finance Report “Accounts for Approval” the date should read 15th June and not 20th May. Clerk’s Report. 1) By-law re restricting use of fireworks at private functions.- still waiting for further news from NSCThe Clerk is to chase 2) Local Access Forum- Minutes of meeting held 18th April. Cllr. Clements who sits on the forum made the comment that information sought from officers of North Somerset Council was not forthcoming and that when he put his name forward for the role it was on the basis that something useful may come out of it as representatives from all interested users would be represented. It now appears to be more of a talking shop with NSC paying lip-service to the members who have given of their own time to sit on the forum. The Annual Report has been delayed due to lack of secretarial support within NSC. After much discussion it was suggested that a copy of the standing orders for the forum should be obtained and perused before further action considered. 3) Standards Committee- minutes of meeting held 7th April. Mention made of the use of a “secret shopper” who has been sitting in on some Council Meetings. 4) Play Area Safety Inspection report- some areas of low/medium risk identified. Clerk to take forward to correct. One of the main features is the recommendation to have two exits from play areas as a means of preventing bullying. In Church Walk this could be achieved by reducing the width of the field gate (which is locked permanently) and having a smaller gate alongside a pedestrian gate- the latter to meet play area specification. Also mention made again of the concrete tube and its abrasiveness. Over the years a solution has been sought unsuccessfully. It was suggested that a stainless steel rim may solve the problem and the Clerk is to speak with Redhill Engineering to see if this is feasible. Cllr. Irving mentioned that children were climbing the trees and wondered who would be responsible in the case of an accident. 5) Licensing applications- latest list received from NSC- includes Wrington Sports & Social Club & The Airport Tavern. Cllr. Yamanaka will look at the Airport Tavern application to see what variation to the existing licence is being sought. 6) Car share scheme- notices put on Boards. Clerk also to put into Journal. 7) Local Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund Grants- details of application form received- have to be with NSC by 12th August. 8) Starting School- notices placed on Notice Boards. 9) Publications- details given The Clerk mentioned that complaints forms lodged with NSC were not being responded to under the new regime. This means that action being taken on defects cannot be monitored. The Clerk is to take up with NSC. Downside Road- a meeting was arranged with NSC to discuss the provision of a pavement from the Airport Freight entrance to close to the A38. This would involve the removal of the hedge although a new hedge has already been established in the new airport perimeter fence. NSC didn’t feel that the Section 106 monies would cover the full scheme but they were of the opinion that a safety area for children awaiting the school bus may be feasible. The full scheme for a pavement would cost c£100k. Cllr. Glynn will raise the topic with the Airport, using his Airport Transport Forum hat in the near future. Wrington Road speed limits- Cllr. Glynn has furnished NSC with a lot of traffic data. Police of the opinion that the nature of the road is a natural deterrent to speeding. Cllr. Glynn pressing Congresbury to have the traffic survey conducted at their end of Wrington Road. Draft Local transport Plan now available in draft form- likely to receive a copy shortly. Mention made of lorries parking on the verges in Havyatt Road and causing an obstruction. Also speed perceived to be high although this road is subject to the National Speed Limit. It was mentioned that the Parish Plan comments on lighting were nearing finalisation may prove of benefit when considering replacement. The Clerk mentioned that the maintenance contract price has increased by 3%. When a request for a formal service contract it was suggested by SEC that this would be expensive and that continuance under the existing “Parish Maintenance contract” was recommended. SEC did ask that when reporting faults full details of the pole number advised- the Clerk in response has asked that these details be clear as some numbers are overgrown by ivy etc.
Cllr. Atkins mentioned that:-1) One of the public consultations will be in Wrington. 2) Next leaflet distribution will be undertaken by Royal Mail, 3) The noisy Ryanair planes will be phased out by November 2005, 4) Noise Complaints data produced for Felton and Congresbury- this measures in decibels. With the pre-meeting papers the Clerk had forwarded correspondence from AYA regarding the increase costs for the Youth Bus- budget this year £2600 but actual cost to the Council £5000. The Clerk also mentioned that whereas the current practice is to channel everything through NSC for the future there is a move to deal direct with AYA. A partnership to be established and a wish list from the Council to be advised. It has also been suggested that if the Youth Bus can access the Memorial Hall car park then during the winter months to be relocated there and possibly tie in with use of the Cyber Room- the exact details to be established. There may be occasions during this period when the Hall car park is required by normal users in which case the bus would return to the Recreation Field car park. The Clerk is to take forward with NSC & AYA. Proposed by Cllr. Thorn and seconded by Cllr. Moss that the increased costs be covered and a move to a partnership be put in motion. Passed. 1) no late public transport out of the Village- it is not seen as feasible to put on public transport and later hours will encourage drink/driving. 2) Noise pollution needs to be controlled more- currently when live/acoustic music being played the doors and windows are left open and neighbours are being invaded by this noise. It needs to be a strict condition that during these performances the music is contained within the building and behind closed doors and windows. 3) Protection of children from harm- there are young children in the flat attached to the pub and the extension to the closing times and the extension to the times for music could be seen as detrimental to their environment. Also mentioned that Flight Car Services had phoned regarding the Planning application for car parking in Wrington Warren. The Clerk mentioned that he had had a similar call and advised the applicant of the Council’s opposition to the application. If turned down by NSC, as is likely and an appeal is lodged then suggested that the applicant then contacts the Parish Council with a view to Councillors visiting the site and listening to their views. |