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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Friday, 18th March, 2005
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th February, 2005 were adopted with the following amendments: 1) BIA page 4 line 5 add the word “plan” after master. 2) Bullhouse Lane- Mr. Garrett cleared away the mud, without cost to the Council and a letter of thanks has been sent. Mr. Leonard has been advised that the lane is now ready for the remedial works. 3) Youth Bus- a response regarding the non-appearance of the Youth Bus the week commencing 7th February has been received. It was due to the inability of the driver and personnel to meet up! 4) North Somerset Partnership- a paper copy of report following meeting in November has been received. Councillors were encouraged to take an interest as this is the way that Community strategy is being driven forward. The Community Strategy booklet was brought to the attention of the Council. 5) Broadband- letter from DEFRA with CD Rom 6) Various publications. 7) Town and Parish Clerk Survey on Parish Liaison- the Clerk reported that he had completed the survey. The system was working well and he received good support from the liaison officer. 8) Notice of applications for Licences: 9) Village Fete- public liability insurance. The Clerk advised that subject to certain conditions being met the Council could cover this event under the terms of the Council’s insurance policy. 10) Petty vandalism at the recreation Field. It was agreed that the planning application should not be delayed further and the Clerk was directed to issue a cheque for £55 to cover the cost- the fundraisers for the skateboard park will reimburse the Council. On the subject of the petty vandalism this is to be brought to the Memorial hall committee. Joint Local Transport Plan Consultation- Cllrs. Glynn and Bigg have attended the consultation events. In liaison with Cllr. Matthews they will prepare a response to the consultation. A38 Redhill- new signage should be in place before the end of March. North Somerset Car Share Scheme- the Clerk referred to a poster issued by NSC advertising the scheme and it will be displayed on the Notice Boards. Road Safety in Silver Street- the Clerk passed around a letter from NSC on this matter and copy letters received from parishioners. The Clerk was authorised to respond to NSC confirming the Council’s support for the scheme. A38 Airport- a letter detailing proposed road improvement measures at the roundabouts near the Airport was circulated. The Council agreed support for the scheme and the Clerk was directed to respond accordingly. It was mentioned that lorries from Butcombe Brewery were ignoring the blue advisory signs for the preferred route to Wrington and using Nates Lane- this is in direct contradiction to what Mr. Newell said when he addressed the Parish Council. The Clerk was directed to write to the Brewery asking them to utilise the preferred HGV route.
Car parking- illegal sites- the Clerk mentioned that the NSC Enforcement Officer was taking matters forward. He had asked for some help in trying to identify the new owner of Hailstones Farm- the Clerk to try and establish locally this information. Master Plan Consultation- concern was expressed that this document has not yet reached households despite assurances from the Airport that their contractor has matters in hand. A letter dated 21st February from BIA indicated that the document “Future plans for the Airport” would be delivered within 10 days! As feedback has to be in during April it is not leaving much time. The Clerk was directed to contact BIA and ask that they extend the period for response. Cllr. Glynn made mention that he had attended one of the seminars and found it interesting- he encouraged others to attend. Airport Meeting with Parish Council 11th April- the Clerk asked for names of attendees. With regard to the “shopping list” Cllr. Matthews said that the list provided by the PCAA on 1st February was a start plus:- 1) car parking and in particular the issue of competition. What does the future hold. 2) Extending the operational area- what plans afoot. 3) Urbanisation of surrounding area. 4) Traffic flows and problems with access. 5) What contribution are they making to the local economy particularly to the Parish to offset the inconvenience caused locally. 6) The issue of pick-up and drop-off points. The Clerk to produce a list and circulate before sending to the Airport. The Clerk made mention of correspondence received from ALCA Consultations Cllr. Glynn mentioned that he had read the paper on “Gypsy Travellers Sites” and did not propose to comment. Cllr. Yamanaka mentioned that Pauline Wathen was still keen to see a care home set up in Wrington and has enquired whether with the transfer of Council Houses, including the sheltered accommodation at Hannah More Close, that an opportunity may occur for this to be pursued. Cllr. Clements mentioned the rumours surrounding Commander Lauder’s property. Cllr. Irving said that matters relating to this were proceeding slowly. Under the heading Local Plan Cllr. Yamanaka reference to a letter received by Graham Turner, Chief Executive of NSC, from GOSWA requesting that the progression of the Replacement Local Plan be stopped and that they move directly to the preparation of the new Local development Framework. NSC’s view is that they should progress both as they recognise the considerable time and effort spent by Parish Council’s and outside bodies in helping to formulate the Replacement Plan. After discussion the Clerk was directed to write to GOSWA making them aware of the time and effort spent by unpaid Councillors in responding to the Replacement Local Plan and supporting NSC’s stance. Cllr. Yamanaka also mentioned that the tennis club has been awarded a grant of £500 towards the new coaching scheme at the primary School. The Memorial hall request to assist with a new amenity area was not supported. 2) Concerns raised about parking in Broad Street- on pavement by the Golden Lion and also in the designated bus stop areas. Clerk to bring to the attention of the Community Police Officer. 3) Litter bins- two have gone missing- end of Church Walk and on telegraph pole by Gothic Cottage Silver Street. Clerk to report to NSC. 4) Clerk asked to look at positioning of dog and litter bins in the Glebe/Doctors Surgery area with a view to moving them around. 5) Community police Vehicle dates- Clerk to try and obtain. 6) Blue signs- mention made of the one at Ashey Lane. Also the confusion over the sign at the end of Havyaat Road advertising this as the preferred route for HGV’s , problem being it is the same colour as the signs showing “not suitable for HGVs. 7) Cllr. Glynn reiterated that the Parish Charter is now in a form that should enable the Chairman to sign on behalf of the Parish Council (see comments under ALCA). 8) Litter- concerns expressed over the amount of litter at the back of the Airport and also at the entrance to the Silver Zone. Clerk to take forward. 9) Correspondence log- met with mixed reception. Clerk emphasised that any Councillor writing on behalf of the Parish Council should forward a copy to the Clerk for record purposes. The Chairman intimated that the Clerk’s hours and duties were under review as following the seminar attended it was evident that the new structure would have a material impact. 10) Cllr.Young announced that she would be resigning. The Chairman expressed disappointment at this decision. |