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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Annual Parish meeting, 2004 |
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Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the Memorial Hall on Friday 16th April 2004 commencing at 7.30 in the evening. Mr. T R Clements presided and there were 7 Councillors and 15 Parishioners in attendance. Before the Meeting commenced Mr. Clements asked the audience to stand for one minutes silence in memory of Michael Lawder Apologies; Cllrs. Gallop, Matthews, Phillips, Moss & Yamanaka. Mr. I Ashman. The Minutes were handed out to each attendee. Cllr. Irving mentioned that the name Leggs should have an "e" correct spelling "Legges". The minutes were approved as an accurate record of proceedings. Chairman's Report. First year of the new Council and following the elections 3 Councillors short- this has remained the case despite co-opting Richard Thorn as Howard Dougall resigned following moving out of the Parish. Cllr. Yamanaka now an Executive Member on North Somerset Council. Matters being carried forward: Street Lights, Kissing gates at Alburys, Skateboard Park and the updating of the John Locke Room. Also this year is the tercentenary of John Locke and Richard Thorn is co-ordinating matters. Cllr. Bigg and a small team of helpers putting together a Parish Plan and the questionnaire side of this will be delivered shortly. Planning- in view of the increasing number of applications being received the Council has decided to hold separate planning Meetings every 3 weeks on a Tuesday evening starting at 6.00. Dates are advertised on the Parish Notice boards and there is space for public participation. One disappointing decision was in Ropers Lane which involved the demolition of a stone wall- as this was in the Conservation area the decision came as a surprise. Airport- the Council met with the Airport management to review long term plans including parking, traffic issues and a hotel site. Traffic Calming- the Council has put a lot of effort into this area and at the moment it seems to little purpose. Youth Bus- usage increasing. NHS Out of hours survey- meeting arranged by the W.I. on this thorny subject. Wait with interest to hear Jane Corke speak. Access Forum- local member of this committee. Village of the Year- Wrington gained first place in the large village category and the tree (prize) has been planted in the Mike Bush Paddock. Thanks to all involved. Car Parks- thanks to Sports & Social Club, in particular Ken Stott and Geoff Abrahams who organised and saw the project through, in getting the Recreation Field car park resurfaced. Thanks to all who generally help maintain the Parish. Budget review The Clerk reviewed the budget for 2003/2004 details having been provided to all attendees. A precept of £57390 has been set for 2004/2005. Wrington Parish Trust/ Memorial Hall and Recreation Field Committee. Details of income/expenditure for both Charities handed out to attendees. Accounts presented by Ms. Irving. Balance carried forward £4056.39- high as the 8% Treasury Stock 2003 redeemed and funds still to be reinvested. Gross income £835 and expenditure £1380- all to beneficiaries. Wrington Charities. Mr. M M Collins presented the report. Balance in hand as at 31st December 2003£2.79. Distribution made 21x£8= £168.00 and 2 schools £24.50. One voucher is yet to be redeemed. Mr. Collins explained the basis of the Trustees status. Policing Rural Areas- The Chairman thanked Chief Superintendent Hayler for giving up her time to speak. Ms. Jane Corke of North Somerset primary Care Trust gave an insight into how this will be developed. It had already been the subject of a Meeting that the W.I. had organised. District Councillor's Report In the absence of Cllr. Yamanaka the Clerk read out the report. Now an Executive Member on North Somerset Council for Environment and the Community. Traffic issues covered included speeding on the A38 and Downside, yellow lines in Combe Dale and Redhill, parking in Orchard Close and Home Close. Better signage has been installed at St. Katharine's School following representations. Also the long awaited weight limit has been put in place at Aldwicke Lane. The subject of illegal car parks in the vicinity of the Airport is ongoing with many planning appeals in the pipeline. The airport is scheduled to hit 12m passengers by the year 2030. It has to produce a master plan but does not expect to expand the runway onto Felton Common in the foreseeable future. However a new terminal will be needed. Age Concern Day Care Centre at the URC- since meetings stopped at the URC Brunei Care have been taking people out to lunch on a weekly basis- however numbers are dropping off. It is hoped that once the URC has completed its refurbishment the Centre could reopen although Brunei Care are not keen on using volunteer cooks!! The Glebe- several instances of anti-social behaviour- trying to get a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in place but volunteers scarce. Redhill drainage- it is hoped that Wessex Water will make a decision shortly. St. Katharine's School- whilst in desperate need of a new school the government has turned down a bid for this from North Somerset. Mrs. Hodges proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr. Yamanaka for the prompt way in which she has dealt with matters. Police report. PC Kim Tacchi gave an insight into crime figures for the year. The manner in which crime is recorded still somewhat distorts the figures. Open Forum 1) Yellow lines- this invoked quite a bit of comment particularly those in Station Road- the opinion was that they did not go far enough as with the step at Lychgate Cottage protruding into the road this was still too narrow for large vehicles to pass when cars parked. The extent of the yellow lines had been agreed with North Somerset and local residents following a site meeting. 2) Branches Cross- concern at the lack of road marking at this juncture. This has been taken up with North Somerset Council who advised the road was not wide enough to have white lines down the middle. 3) Gatcombe Farm- mentioned that the Council did support a planning application for 9 houses but this was turned down by North Somerset. Understood that there was an appeal in the offing. 4) Industrial Estate- mention made of Butcombe Brewery moving to the Industrial Estate. Whilst plans received they did not specify that it was for a brewery. The council is aware of the problems vis-a-vis access and delivery times. It is hoped that with the help of North Somerset Council good signage will be in place. 5) Hotel A38- mention made that there is a mini-sewerage pump which will take waste to Redhill. Mr. Collins on behalf of the Parishioners thanked the Council for the time given and work undertaken on behalf of the Parish. The Meeting was declared closed at 9.35. Mr. T R Clements. |