"Cats are hooligans", he said, leaning back.
In all honesty, I had to agree with him.
"They break things and mess in my flowerbeds."
He had a point: they'd done as much to me.
"They claw and tear the furniture to shreds!"
I have known ones which abseil off curtain rails!
"They kill birds and leave bits all round the place.
"Killers", he said from their heads to their tails!"
"But at least allow them beauty and grace."
"Of course, " he said. "Handsome and nice to draw.
But living with them is a different case."
He lifted his little dog from the floor.
"They stare past you with bold alien eyes."
Lambent eyes, changed at night to glowing coals.
"They're just jungle creatures scaled down in size."
"Brazilians call them "eaters of souls"
"There you are", he said, "Cats are hooligans."
Echo Irving